How good will NFSMW run on mine/ Warhammer questions

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1. This is the bad part ie bragging about my system.
AMD 64 3000+
768 RAM (3x256 kingston)
FX 5700 Le (256MB), yeah i know its a sucka card but no i can't buy a new 7800.
So, i know the system requirements are like 256 ram, 32 vram but a game won't run good at that config. So, how good will it run at my config? Like resoulution, texture detail etc. And i don't care about FSAA/AF. I like AF in action games (where u get to study the environment). It costs 1299, right?

2. Like what, i haven't seen Warhammer in stores ever (me in South Delhi). Has Warhammer 40000 hit India?
I think you would be able to play at a max of 800x600 resolution with low to medium setting graphics for most options..
(ofcourse AA off!):)

In NFSMW, the resolution plays a very large part of framerate. I was tinkering around with it yesterday nite.

On my friends system, @ 800x600 and High(Basic graphic setting) the fps hovers around 35. This is on a Athlon64 3000+, 512 MB, 6600 256. Increase resoltuion to 1024 and this comes down to 25fps.

Btw, smoke reduces the fps a lot. So does rain...:no:
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