How harmful is a vehicular traffic near your residence?

My parents just moved from old home to new home, sooner we join them too. During exploring the nearby area I found that there is lot of vehicular traffic on top of a nearby road. I heard sometime back that staying nearby such location cause health problems specially cancer. If this is the case then govt should not allow vehicular traffic in between residential areas specially in sector.

Does anyone have any idea about it?
What kind of actions can be taken to get rid of that?
Everything causes cancer ??
Vehicular emissions definitely cause cancer.

Stay indoors.
Promote birth control in the area vigorously.
Although i havent read too much on the topic of hazards vehicular traffic brings forth, but as people are saying it's a hazard for sure.. Is this the best kind of advice you can provide??

I am sure you never tried anything on the matter or researched. Maybe you have never had to. But telling and accepting such things is definitely what we need to start saying no to. No offense, but if you cannot suggest any counter measures, it is better you dont 'advice' on forgetting such serious issues.
Probably should stay in some area which is far from city and probability of more construction to happen is almost no or stay in Village or some interiors or tier 3 cities. Seriously saying this, not trolling.
Umm, people who replied do realize the post is word by word copy of another topic:


My parents just moved from old home to new home, sooner we join them too. During exploring the nearby area I found that there is one cellular tower built up on top of a nearby home(lot of vehicular traffic on top of a nearby road). I heard sometime back that staying nearby such location cause health problems specially cancer. If this is the case then govt should not allow to setup tower in between residential areas specially in sector.

Does anyone have any idea about it?
What kind of actions can be taken to get rid of that?
OPs own version of sarcasm towards that person.
In that case, OP get the Darth Vader costume. Easier to inhale in those. Or else, get those huge ass fans from Armor of God 2 to blow the smoke back on top of the nearby roads
Although i havent read too much on the topic of hazards vehicular traffic brings forth, but as people are saying it's a hazard for sure.. Is this the best kind of advice you can provide??
Cancer can be cured easily by jumping in front of a speeding truck although you do need to get the timing and position just right. In this regard you could even say that vehicular traffic is a surefire cure rather than a hazard.
Jokes aside, i've known people on my street that have wanted to turn what is a public road into a private one.

Did not get very far.