How is Jeeves service? And their extended warranty?

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So I bought an AC from Flipkart. Flipkart has tie up with Jeeves to provide installation. I have not got it installed yet and I am still waiting for call from Carrier. I registered installation request two days ago, yet no one from Carrier has called me.

Meanwhile, people from Jeeves have been calling me and asking me to schedule for installation (I will do once I hear back from Carrier).

Jeeves also offers (3rd party) extended warranty and for AC, it will be about 4k for an year and 7k for next two years. Is it worth it? Here is their rate card if you want to have a look

Does anyone here have an experience?
Got a call yesterday from them regarding my 32" Vu TV. Not going with them but will buy the Vu Extended warranty from Vu itself.
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