CPU/Mobo How is MSI P55 CD 53 ?

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Guys how is MSI P55 CD 53 ( 7k ) ?

Actually Gigabyte GA P55 UD2 is not available

MSI P55 GD 65 actually has problems working with Corsair PSU's .

So i am a little scared ?

IS MSI P55 CD 53 good ?

Wat no reply guys ?

Need to buy this mobo in the evening guys ?
a quick search on google points to review site and all are saying its good...(at least links on first page)

I would say go ahead...

Imp: make sure that u don't get foxconn made cpu socket
offtopic: hey is there any way to find out beforehand if the socket is foxconn? Someone had asked this on Anandtech and most people answered in the negative.
It is a good board. But only foxconn sockets are taking the buyers away from it. I've heard that Msi is now using lotes socket. Consider msi p55 gd80 if it's in your budget. Also, no site except anandtech has reported psu problem with gd65.
Picked up one from SMC last evening. Overall the board got a good amount of space to work with. Reviews say theat it has a plasticy feel on some fittings. I will tend to agreee. The memory retention clips look cheap. However that being said that board performs well and is great VFM. Don't think you can get a full size board at that price.
DarkNight said:
Picked up one from SMC last evening. Overall the board got a good amount of space to work with. Reviews say theat it has a plasticy feel on some fittings. I will tend to agreee. The memory retention clips look cheap. However that being said that board performs well and is great VFM. Don't think you can get a full size board at that price.

Well i backed out from MSI P55 GD 65 as MSI has crappy ASS

Everyone here advised me not to go MSI way.

Moreover I found that P55 CD 53 blew out one phase during review of Tomshardware

I am now steering clear of MSI forever until ASS gets better

For now , I am favouring ASUS
from what I know, MSI A.S.S is handled by Rashi.. am I right?

can someone please tell me who handles A.S.S for Gigabyte and Asus motherboards?
pretttt said:
from what I know, MSI A.S.S is handled by Rashi.. am I right?

can someone please tell me who handles A.S.S for Gigabyte and Asus motherboards?

No its handled by Tirupati Enterprises

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Rashi Peripherals handles ASS for Asus
Tirupati isnt really all that bad..

I had a Powercolor 4870 RMA'd by them.. I mean they werent the best, that would be Kaizen(Corsair PSU), but it wasnt horrible or anything.

Maybe it is only for MSI branded stuff or something.

BTW, who does it for Gigabyte? as that would most likely be my mobo...
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