How is the Kodak digital frame 10"??

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Praks said:
I have seen the demo of it in hand.

Which city are you into ?

How is the frame.I already have one( Its GiiNii got it from the US) but its 7" and its crappy.Wanna go fora bigger one.Btb i am from Bangalore.I want to get it off only from ebay for the phreebies:P
I have seen 7 inch only, Really liked it :P May be u didnt :)

Check out Reliance Digital on Cunnigham Road

They have seperate Kodak store there & All frames in display.

I really liked Kodak ones rather then all cheap ones of Wespro & YES.
I didnt check about warranty as even 7" frame was around 6500, costly for me.

Good finishing product & awesome touch buttons.

Wespro & other craps comes with bad finishing & cheapo plastic feel.

Go for Kodak, Do post review :)
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