How long would you survive?

That is because he is stupid enough to stand there till the time the bear gets up after being kicked in the balls.

OT: I am sure everyone here has been kicked in the balls at one point or the other in his life. How long has it taken to stand properly post that.

AFAIR, I was crouching for almost 3-4 mins. This was in school 9th std.
^ I remember being down for over 10 mins... a rubber ball thrown from short distance by biggest guy in a team can do that to a man. :p

@bluffy: If the Chuck Norris is involved, then this quiz will be called, How long a bear can survive after getting hit in the balls by Chuck Norris?. That will be the only question and there will only one option : Instant death by nuts hitting the brains and breaking the skull. :bleh:
That one would be a shameless bear.

^Friendly swinging hands can do a lot of damage too. A friend had this habit of turn all of a sudden and hit people at the right spot. Every one maintained distance after the first hit.
bluffy said:
The Big guy had rubber balls?
I JUST KNEW some wiseass would turn it like this. :p
For the uninitiated ones, here the Rubber Ball denotes to Red colored cricket ball made of rubber.... there, that oughta fix it. :p