How long?

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The last time i formatted my system was way back in december 2004 and works like charm inspite of atleast 2 - 3 hours of workload every single day. I bot this PC in august 2003.

Now answer these simple questions...

1) When was the last time you formatted your machine?
2) How many times have you formatted your harddisk?

here are my answers...
1 > dec 2004
2 > 17 :ohyeah:

1) Jan 2005
2) 1

Typical work load is 9~12 hours per weekday and full 24 hours on weekends.
I had to make a fresh install in Oct 2006 for the C2D setup, but I just installed it on a black partition in second HDD and Did not format the first. :ohyeah: Now I will have to format it anyway for my new rig.
Last time I formatted was when I got my first AMD64 machine... I believe thats the first few months of 2004. Didn't require a format since then. Had to reinstall once cos of an unstable Samsung UCCC overclock screwing up the windows registry but that was without a format. But other than that this OS has survived 5 motherboard changes, 4 chipset changes, 3 CPU changes and god knows how many other hardware changes without any issues :P. I've never had to format any of my drives beyond the first time ;).
Havent formatted like since ages any of my HDD's. Last i installed OS was when i shifted from AMD 64 setup to C2D setup. I beleive that was October 2006.
i formatted around feb 2005 i guess ..... no of formats will be more than 20 ..... earlier i used to format a lot .....
Chaos said:
Last time I formatted was when I got my first AMD64 machine... I believe thats the first few months of 2004. Didn't require a format since then. Had to reinstall once cos of an unstable Samsung UCCC overclock screwing up the windows registry but that was without a format. But other than that this OS has survived 5 motherboard changes, 4 chipset changes, 3 CPU changes and god knows how many other hardware changes without any issues :P. I've never had to format any of my drives beyond the first time ;).

Switch said:
Havent formatted like since ages any of my HDD's. Last i installed OS was when i shifted from AMD 64 setup to C2D setup. I beleive that was October 2006.

Really cool guys, But i think the registry gets really junked up if you don't format it atleast once in a year. Some ppl have the habit of formatting very often. They keep count and play it as a game... kids :P grow up! :P

@ all
thanks for your replies :hap2:
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