How many movies do you watch in a week?

How many movies do you watch in a week ?

  • Less than 2

    Votes: 16 45.7%
  • 2-5

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • 5 -10

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • more than 10

    Votes: 4 11.4%

  • Total voters
I rarely watch movies. Like 1-2 in a month. Though i watch TV Series for 1-1.5hr daily.
Movies take a lot of time. Plus can't sit at a place for 2 hrs :p
I watch 3-4 movies per day during holidays, otherwise 1 movie + TV episodes per day, but these days due to examinations and projects, I'm down to 0 movie + 2-3 TV episodes per day

And I hate my life too :cool:
It used to be 4 movies a day before, but now TV shows have taken up a majority of my time slot. My movie watching has now reduced to 2 per week.
I have mostly lost the patience these days to sit through an entire movie. Result being a lot of content is left unwatched on my HDDs.

On the otherhand, I am hooked on to TV eps in a major way and manage to squeeze in at-least one every day.
Watch a movie only if it is known to be exciting.
And watch it when its blue ray is out.
Yes ,i am a poor guy.

If there are more than 2 blue ray releases happening of popular movies, Then sometimes do a marathon . Else on weekends.
I watch 1 movie in seven weeks.. although there was a time when I used to watch movies back to back. but I no longer enjoy movies much.