How many of u are fans of Baba Ramdev

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Agree its a bit controversial topic. When it comes to spirituality, i m the last person to believe. But the case is different here, atleast apparently. This person does not claim to heal only through spirituality. It also changes your lifestyle, which does improve your health conclusively. If what he says is true then that might be an added bonus. According to him, the basic two exercise he prescribes changes the way your body deals with your environment, alters its biochemistry.

He will be having a course in march in kolkata. Was thinking of trying it out.

P.S:If this or any further comment in this thread results in flaming or hurts someone's sentiments, then i request mods to delete this thread. Better i would say, lets be mature and try not to hurt anyone's sentiments by saying any crap about anyone. Innocent until proven guilty... right?
hey i was a great fan once upon a time, 2-3 years back i went to his camp at bandra kurla and i seriously lost 3-4 KGs .. shockin though.. but now i dont practice his yoga since 2 years.
Nope all he says is his methods can alleviate the pains of aids. Rest all is said by those visiting the camps and spiced by journalists.
He said that he never said anything about curing AIDS and I believe him there....

Who died of his meds? The only controversy about those was that bones stuff, which is now forgotten.

And the exercises do help a lot.

A bunch of western doctors conducted a study between two groups, one doing yoga and the other doing aerobics. The yoga group lost more weight. It surprised them. But the fact is that yoga tends to steady the metabolism... which probably leads to the body straightening itself out.
Thats what i m thinking. Even if all his claims are not true, still breathing exercises might be good enough. Atleast that will instill some sort of healthy routine in this crazy urban life where all we get is pollution and bottled drinks. Can be taken as alternative to morning walks / exercises. I too read about someone dieing. But thats like 1 in a 10 lakhs (they claim 20 lakh people have attented camps till now). Thats acceptable rate assuming that person had some sort of peculiar health problem. After all traditional methods of treatment are also not fool proof.
^^ u r right dude..if u have time go for it..u wont loose anything IMO and what i see on tv.i believe he doesnt go much into religious stuff and all. just normal exercises and all which in turn help if u have da time and seriously gonna do it..go for the way u r just 14 rite ? do u need to do this .cauz i think regular sports..and play will keep u fit..also u will enjoy playing some footbal (i luv it)..or even basketball.or anything u like..... if u are not a lazy brat..just my opinion.he he..

no offenses meant to anyone !
Me 14? Lol. I m 25 and working. And yea i m too lazy as well. Only thing i played is cricket and that too not in last 5 years since i started working.
p_sam21 said:
Me 14? Lol. I m 25 and working. And yea i m too lazy as well. Only thing i played is cricket and that too not in last 5 years since i started working.

lolz ..i am really really sorry.actually i mistook u for samRulez sorry.. !:P
his excerises are not age related. yoga can be done by everyone.. its even taught in schools. remember those breathing exercises?.. all that guy says is do wat i say and it would keep u healthy wealthy and wise, and from watever i have seen, he never boasts about it, its his patients , or those who were really cured are the ones who thank u and tell him and the world that his methods do work.

IMO trying it out isnt gonna harm anyone, after all ur alive cause ur still breathing right?
Frankly, Baba Ramdev , at least to me comes across as the most genuine and most modest amongst the current crop of the so called miracle healers....

hell, he doesn't even claim to be a miracle healer which I personally think is the mark of a genuine person....

disclaimer: i haven't even once put to practise (in my lifestyle) what he preaches/teaches, but he indeed comes across as a genuine goodfella to me!
Well wht he preaches is yoga...which really is helpfull which is proved by various study.........also he has gain so much mileage becoz of his proximity to politicans(rajasthan,gujrat,mp cms)...but he himself not involved in it...........

but i guess he is more like rakhi sawant...the more u talk about him the more publicity u my opinion anyone who teaches yoga does a wonderfull job....even bharat thakur is famous in this business.....Also doing yoga is little easy comparing those bulky and boring exercise stuff we do....

Also baba ramdev is down to earth person he gained alot of popularity becoz of that(he travels on bicycle most of the time)...but now even his ashram and all money making stuffs coming us ....Also a guy died recently somewhere but it was like he was ill and his bro took him to the place of course...and after sometime his bro realized....he was no more.....

But in my opinion yoga is important than baba ramdev......regarding his medicines......hmm no idea but i guess its all on mental level
His medicines are (supposed to be) standard ayurvedic preparations anyway. The only thing is people who would not otherwise go to a vaid (or would at most use Himalaya pharma's stuff) listen to him and take those tonics.

Of course I have no idea if there really were any bones in that stuff.
Guys you have no idea about spirituality and religion. I can bet that if I ask you guys to define humanity, you would probably not be able to answer.

I don't know for sure, but I don't think that Ramdev Ji is a saint. I think he probably has learnt yoga and some ancient methods of treatment. What he says may not always be the absolute if he is not a saint, and offcourse sometimes problems can be created. But since all of this may be ancient vidya, in most cases it probably will do wonderous help.

Also, ancient indian knowledge has the capacity to treat/cure all/many diseases, provided you have the right master. Anything can be done, but it doesn't mean that a person who is not a saint can do anything, it means that anybody who learns/has skills in a particular vidya can help you out through that. A saint on the other hand can just about to anything without claiming responsibility for anything or telling that he can do it.

You people don't seem to be understanding miracle healers I feel.
Saints often miracly cure people however they don't claim themselves as miracles healers, in most cases they may try the best to make you believe that it wasn't they who cured you.
There there may be people who are not saints but have acquired skills to cure you using ancient techniques, they may be spiritually above most of us but not that you treat all of them as Super humans. I doubt the genuine ones of those would actually charge you a penny for their work, so what do you have to fear from them.
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