How many OS did you boot from 1 machine ?

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It used to be fun, decades ago

I tried following:
Windows 98
Windows ME
Windows Nt (4.0 if not wrong)
Windows 2000
and one more edition dont recollect.

Used to play/have fun fromatting/installing this things.
Still miss that Windows 98 Scan Disk utility in Dos , reminds me of old days ...
have tried
Windows 98 se
Windows ME
Windows 2000
dont actually remember the linux that i had installed on my 486 dx2
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Still miss that Windows 98 Scan Disk utility in Dos , reminds me of old days ...
have tried
Windows 98 se
Windows ME
Windows 2000
dont actually remember the linux that i had installed on my 486 dx2
Thanks Ankit,
If not mistaken tried 9 different bootable OS on 1 pc..

What was ur record ?

I tried those from floppy discs and CD drives
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Had Win98, Win2000, WinXP and RedHat Linux 7 (not RHEL but old skool RedHat 7) back in 2001~2002 on a 866MHz Pentium 3..

All this on a 20 GB HDD!!

Those were the days...
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98/ME/XP/2000 or 2k8 unsure and a linux! All spanned across 4gb + 20gb ide hdds.
Still miss that Windows 98 Scan Disk utility in Dos , reminds me of old days ...
True.. the original worthy scandisk which was later replaced by shitty chkdisk and then even more shit editions..
The surface scan on win98 was like no other and still unbeatable where one can see bad sectors getting marked in red and been moved to a different loc. Wish cam phones were available at that time to record such beauties..
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windows - 98/ME/XP/Vista/Windows7/W10/ server 2000
linux - ubuntu/centos/fedora/redhat
macos - leopard/catalina/seirra/bigSur

had them in dual boot config.
windows - 98/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 10/ server 2000
linux - ubuntu/fedora/redhat

My favorite is Windows Me then XP
Now everything is spoiled just copied from previous versions. That's all.
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windows - 98/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 10/ server 2000
linux - ubuntu/fedora/redhat

My favorite is Windows Me then XP
Now everything is spoiled just copied from previous versions. That's all.
Thank god you didn't copied the mac os :P
Had a Custom built Pentium4 Socket 478 back in 2001 which came loaded with windows 98.
That machine has seen every OS since that till Win 8.0, not Win 8.1 unfortunately since a couple CPU instruction set requirements were increased and just like that it wouldn't install for that CPU.
Only thing changed with that machine overtime was RAM.
I retained the original WD 40GB HDD and that's still lying with me and ran Win10 on an old Core2Duo machine :p

Fun times indeed.
windows - 98/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 10/ server 2000
linux - ubuntu/fedora/redhat

My favorite is Windows Me then XP
Now everything is spoiled just copied from previous versions. That's all.
Windows XP for the win, It used to be a monthly activity to format the PC. Winxp Performance edition.
My laptop I bought in 2014 has seen a quite a lot of OSes.

Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Linux Mint
KDE Neon
Elementary OS
Ubuntu (again)
Pop OS
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

I finally settled on Tumbleweed and stopped distro hopping. It's a great piece of software. It has everything I like in a distro and nothing I don't.
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I had the following setup in my college days. (All 5 OSs together).
Windows 10
Hackintosh (macOS Mojave)
Ubuntu (Upgraded to POP OS later)
Parrot OS

Upgraded my SSD to 1TB to accommodate everything. XD

Started my computer journey with Windows XP. Upgraded to Windows 7 in the PC (Celeron 1.3GHz Single core with 512 MB DDR2) hoping to get GTA SA to work XD. But it never started :(
Then Windows 8 (Totally shit)
Windows 8.1
Windows 10
Windows 11 (Current)
Linux Mint
Kali Linux
Parros OS
Pop OS (Current).
I finally settled on Tumbleweed and stopped distro hopping. It's a great piece of software. It has everything I like in a distro and nothing I don't.

Some questions!

Where are you located?
What ISP do you use and your plan speed?
What openSUSE tumbleweed package mirrors do you use?

I also want to run tumbleweed but typically face slow download speeds due to poor mirror selections/speeds (lack of any in india last I saw) so stopped using it.
I did all sorts of dual boot things when i was younger. Nowadays i have one personal mac m1, one office mac pro an old dell from previous work running ubuntu and a gaming rig running win10. Even though I tried almost all linux distros i kind a settled on ubuntu.
Speaking of nostalgia; i got introduced to computers when they had 128kb ram and 5 1/4” floppy dos 3.2 boot disks. Floppies were really floppy back then. Computer lab was the only thing which had air conditioning. Lol.
My first Linux was suse 6 distro from chip magazine.
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