How Many Think That The New Star Trek Will Be A Dud ?


i saw the trailer and it looked pretty lame........and judging by MI 3 the director may just turn the movie into a sci-fi action thriller...........and just hope i am wrong........
Well it depends on what you mean by dud - if you mean complete and utter crap, well that may just happen (I have no idea how it will turn out), but you are guaranteed it will be a box office success.

I wish they would start making more original movies....
^^ all i think is that J.J. Abrams is not the right person to make this movie........he makes cheesy silly action movies and serials (yes LOST).........but yes it's gonna be a blockbuster.......
I never liked Star Trek movies, I loved the TV Show though... I remember getting up without complaining on sunday mornings just to watch Star Trek and He-man.

I liked Star Wars movie (the originals ones, not the ones that came out recently. Good enough but nothing like the old Star Wars).

I'm not betting much on new Star Trek movie either, it might turn out good... might not. How much it would suck, that remains to be seen. :)