Storage Solutions How many times can you reuse CDRW?

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I Just bought 2 CDRW disks sony4x , samsung Pleomax 10x. I was just wondering how many times can these things be reused? :P
h4x0R said:
I Just bought 2 CDRW disks sony4x , samsung Pleomax 10x. I was just wondering how many times can these things be reused? :P

You are talking about CDRWs and not DVD RWs ?

They used to say around 1000 times for CDRWs. I have some HP 4x CDRW's still working fine for around 10 years. I dont use them much now but some of these must have been used around 300 times - used them a lot until I got my first USB2 external HDD.

If any give trouble for erasing use the freeware Superblank - gives new life to bad CDRW disks.
Lots of times .. infact in some cases more than the manufacturer quotes ... so u can't reallly fix a particular no. of usage ... over 500 time i guess (mine is doing over 200 times) ...
If like me you are a little careless, you will probably kill them with scratches before you ever get to the reuse limit :P
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