how much will building a Full College website in php cost ?

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On a Journey called Life :P
as the title say's.

I wanted to know how much will building a college website cost in php.

1} what will be the price of per page coding ???

2} Minimum 25 to 30 pages required and it should have email and encryption facilities

3} Good Graphics and cross browser support.

Please help me out with this

IF any web designer / developer interested please contact me wise pm.

thank you for reading
IF i were you i would check the wordpress Bcoz wordpress allows you to customize it to any extend.If you want i can install and configure the site for you or you can do it yourself with little or no practice.

I would suggest you to go for wordpress like CMS than custom coding bcoz you always have to tie with developer in case of custom coding and in CMS you don't need any help from any one and it is very very cheap.
#[member='mannuel'] : wordpress , drupal , joomla ?????????????????

Confusing as the list grows

and can we install the theme from there respective sources and simple edit there looks with the one made in photoshop ????
#[member='mannuel'] : wordpress , drupal , joomla ?????????????????

Confusing as the list grows

and can we install the theme from there respective sources and simple edit there looks with the one made in photoshop ????

Well If you want to theme made on photoshop and Applay on CMS then it is possible but u need to have some knowledge in CSS and HTML.

Don't go for Drupal and joomla if u want to have a simple website as these requires u to know some php(well u can get help from their forums.)

In case of wordpress there are thousands of plugin even for simple function for example for listing facebook stream there are more than 100 plugins.

And about themes just search for wordpress free themes and u can customize with simple editing like changing the name of picture etc...

I am recommending CMS bcoz it has huge advantage than custom codes as u are not restricted to single coder and you can get help from thousands of coders and developers.

If you want i can help u in creating a site you can see my personal blog on my signature it was created by wordpress.
PM me, will make one for free for you, just throw me with the contents
, expert in Wordpress Joomla, drupal suxx as per me
Thanks bro

I was trying to download the word-press but the setup was always Corrupted after downloading

Is there any theme which directly shows college website type site ????
Thanks bro

I was trying to download the word-press but the setup was always Corrupted after downloading

Is there any theme which directly shows college website type site ????

Well There are so many types of themes but for suggesting any theme plz tell me wats ur college website purpose.I mean some one will make a college website as a social network for their students,simply to provide online education,online information about college etc..

well i think you simply need a website for showing information about college

i think this theme will suit you

I don't think that wordpress shows corrupted message.Well if you want to install wordpress on any web server just go to Fantastico Deluxe or Softcalculous option for autoinstallation.
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