How often do you change your mobile phone?

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In this forum and other consumer oriented ie what to buy and why.

I'm doing the same with washing machines, currently :D

I've met people who are content to just walk into a showrom and let the salesperson make up their mind. I can't do that any more.

I did the same when I bought a washing machine. Seeing all the good reviews over here of the Bosch range, bought one and it has been running problem free for more than a year now. No servicing done till now whatsoever.
it's a tool like any other.

on xda i saw a comment where this guy was saying the phone he uses says a lot about the person he is...

i don't know how to digest this comment.
Ha ha ha. Im currently using a Samsung Guru. That makes me a miser i guess :D
I change my phone if my phone gets worn out or it develops faults and repairs would cost a substanial amount.
Currently using a Nokia N8 since 2.5 years.
Yeah you would. My N8 is now onto a third relative who was more than happy to receive it even if it was such an old device because she was using Nokia 1100 or something like that before that.
My Phone history is not as huge as many of you, but here it is :
Reliance Dumb Phone -> LG KP220 -> Sony Ericson K550i -> Samsung Star Wifi -> Sony Xperia Mini Pro -> Samsung Galaxy R -> Asus M10 -> Nokia Lumia 520 -> Blackberry 8520(Saving for Moto G :P )

My 520's screen is broken and I will only repair if it costs less. Nokia quoted me a huge price so not going for it. If not repaired, will sell and get a Moto G or something else ;)
6 months max ...
Here is my device history:
Some Sammy feature phone >
Nokia 5233 >> Sammy star touch >> Nokia 5800 >>HTC desire >>Nexus One >>Sammy Galaxy S >>Sammy cappy >>Sammy Galaxy S2 at&t >>Sammy Galaxy s2 I9100 >> HTC one X >> HTC one - current phone(one of the best phone I hav ever had <3) !!
Here is mine:
Nokia N-Gage QD> Nokia N72> Nokia 6300>> Moto Razr V3i>> Nokia 5233>> iPhone 3GS>> iPhone 4>> Samsung Galaxy Nexus>> Samsung Galaxy S2>> Samsung Galaxy Note>> HTC One X+>> Samsung Galaxy S3>> Samsung Galaxy Note 2>> HTC One>> iPhone 5...Sold a couple of days ago. Phone hunting again.:p
My list
1st - Motorola c168 (Got it in the first year of college) 2005 - 2007
2nd - Nokia 6030 [sister's phone - 2007 - 2010]
3rd Blackberry 8520 2010 - current

This is my 3rd phone since mid 2005 and i have no planes for changing it in the near future.
Nokia 5140i - 2006 - 2009 - The best phone I ever had
Nokia E75 - 2009 - 2013
Nokia X1 + X2 - 2013-2014 (Temp phones)
Moto g - 2014

I change the phone when it conks out :)
5140i was still working but the outer cover broke and couldnt get a replacement.
My phones
1st - Nokia 5300 Xpress music (Got it in the first year of college) 2008 - 2010
2nd - Samsung Star gt S5233[mid 2010 - 2012]
3rd- SE Xperia Neo V mid 2012 - current

This is my 3rd phone since mid 2008 and i have no planes for changing it till it breaks.
It all depends on how a person is, rather than the tech. Your choices are yours alone. I tend to get bored with a phone, in about a months time, but cant just go ahead and change it for something else coz that's not how my parents think.

Back in college days when phones were bought through dad's wallet - i could buy the best phone but could not dare to sell it or change it coz that was "not required" and my phone was amongst "the best". (Parents never approved and their approval was very important coz it was their hard earned money)

Today when i am earning and changing phones (trading or selling and buying other phones) - their attitude is still the same. Regarding the frequency of change - well it depends upon the boredom level. Its different with everyone, especially weird in my case. I loved my gnex and used it for 1.5 years. Changed it coz i was starting to get bored with it. Shifted to a note 2 and frankly speaking - got bored with it within a week.

But one thing i know is upgrading is fun. And i am never gonna stop.

PS: I've got android phones for parents and have got them hooked to the tech world. Now the upgrading resistance has drastically decreased after i upgraded my mom's phone. Now they know upgrading is fun.
The problem with me is trying to find that one perfect phone which will make me stay on it. If you guys see my device history, you will see how much I have jumped across trying to find that one perfect phone to my liking.

June 2010 - HTC Aria (my first smartphone I got with signing att contract)
October 2010 - ATT releases iPhone 4. Went the next day and paid 200 dollars to upgrade it. Sold HTC Aria
March 2011 - Before coming to India sold my iPhone 4 and bought Dell Streak and HTC HD7. Dad still uses HD7 while I sold it by May, LOL...
May 2011 - sold my Dell streak for xperia x10
July 2011 - sold my xperia x10 for Nexus S
October 2011 - sold my Nexus S and got Galaxy Captivate (ATT Version)

Captivate was the First phone I held onto for a year.

October 2012 - Sold my beloved captivate and jumped into S3 bandwagon. Completely skipped S2 and Note 1
December 2012 - Gave S3 to my cousin and got my first ever Note 2 from here (Techenclave market)

February 2013 - wanted to get Nexus 4 so did a direct trade with some one for my note 3 which I regretted a lot afterwards :(

Held on to it for 8 months, my second longest

November 2013 - sold nexus 4 and got my Nexus 5. Immediately disliked the camera.
December 2013 - found someone willing to do trade with his g2 so jumped on it.
January 2014 - Bought Note 3 on New year and gave G2 to my dad as his HD7 was getting on years. Wow, he held on to the HD7 for a whopping 3 years while I changed phones like crazy.
March 2014 - got fed up with exynos Note 3 lag and decided to try out Gionee E7 which seems to be satisfying me so far. But who knows for how long :D :p
The problem with me is trying to find that one perfect phone which will make me stay on it. If you guys see my device history, you will see how much I have jumped across trying to find that one perfect phone to my liking.
you got on the android curve when the rate of change was the fastest. Its plateauing now. Nearly all apps will run pretty well for a good two years.
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