How should i deal with people?

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Hey guys i have some questions about the way i deal with my friends. Actually i go to gym and have few friends. We are quite friendly and we talk about almost every topic.One of my friend always teases me and cracks jokes but i dont know why i cant just reply back.I become nervous and get cant think of replies.And when i come back home,i just analize each and every sentences talked between us and feel that my friend will think that i am not smart enough because i cant reply to his jokes and this will provoke him and he will crack more jokes on me and in front of other people and i will get i have found a solution that whenever i will make new friends i will not crack non veg jokes with him and maintain a limit.but i want to ask you guys what kind of conversation should i have with him so that the conversation should contain humor but not disrespectful to me.thanks
Such people arent friends but bullies. Dump them and look for good co. And why shall one talk nonveg? Isnt their other meaningful stuff to talk about?
Techenclave should have a sub forum for motivational issues. You log on after weeks and you get to see this [emoji14] .

On a serious note, you should just hire some goons and beat the shit out of him, and he won't tease you anymore.
If it were me I'd just go ahead and analize the guy.


But if you say that they are your friends then I don't think jokes are meant to disrespect you. The dirtier the jokes the greater the friendship. ( personal opinion :) )
I've known such people in the past, they resort to pulling you down in public because they're insecure and feel intimidated by you on some level so they have to prove their superiority aka bully like nritech already mentioned.
Also you're kind of having a small ego problem, you're giving too much importance to what others have to say about you and wasting your free time replaying events in your head. That's a negative thought loop and you'll always end up imagining the worst scenarios if you get stuck in it. You have to realize it's not real and maybe your friend doesn't think that way about you at all.
Learn to let go, distract yourself next time you feel like analyzing and overthinking. Here's a zen story that's relevant to your situation.
A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monks were preparing to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross. The young woman asked if they could help her cross to the other side.
The two monks glanced at one another because they had taken vows not to touch a woman.
Then, without a word, the older monk picked up the woman, carried her across the river, placed her gently on the other side, and carried on his 
The younger monk couldn’t believe what had just happened. After rejoining his companion, he was speechless, and an hour passed without a word between them.
Two more hours passed, then three, finally the younger monk couldn't contain himself any longer, and blurted out “As monks, we are not permitted a woman, how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?”
The older monk looked at him and replied, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her?”
Talk to a shrink/counsellor. They are better equipped to help you out with such sensitive issues. These issues can make/break your confidence and hence should be handled carefully. If nothing else works, change your gym and start afresh! Analyse your own mistakes first and then don't repeat those mistakes again. That's how you grow!
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Bench press 300 times build muscles then knock his teeth out
Show them who the daddy is

On serious note ignore
Just act glum when you hear his jokes eventually it will die off when they find it has no effect on you
The main thing is not to take everything to heart. Nowadays you very rarely meet really good people, not to mention friends. You can have a lot of acquaintances, but with friends situation is worse. Don't get hung up on someone's opinion and go ahead.
Play it cool watch movies like Iron man & deadpool and learn from them who to act cool.
I have gone through this now I don't even care people mocking I the player right now
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Today friends or even siblings, family members and relatives all have went selfish and jealous so even if they wish you good luck from within some of them don't want you to do good. So forget outside world, how good are your own people think of that first.
Everyone thinks about only benefits from each other either directly or indirectly.
So its better to be diplomatic or straightforward and don't let the issues emotions affect your mind.
Much of the times we keep worrying about our image among our peers and to not hurt others etc but in the end its we who get the most beating on the back which results in emotional trauma etc. And for those we cared to such extent dumps or backfires.
So image is very temporary nobody gives a shit what you did for whom and how you behaved. Just defend without getting matters worse.

The world is still gonna get extreme bad sooner.
First of all, no one should get peronal with you even if its some jokes. Otherwise, don't take the jokes on your ego. Just laugh it off. But if he is targetting you, then you should not hangout with him. Such people are just bullies.
Dont force yourself to be with these friends if you dont even like them that much. Talk with lot of new people. Make new friend circles. Dont fear to start conversations with new people as the fear will go away from the first conversation.
If you meet new people more then the unwanted people will start to fade away from your life and the real ones will stay in your life. It happened gradually in my life.
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Dont force yourself to be with these friends if you dont even like them that much. Talk with lot of new people. Make new friend circles. Dont fear to start conversations with new people as the fear will go away from the first conversation.
If you meet new people more then the unwanted people will start to fade away from your life and the real ones will stay in your life. It happened gradually in my life.

You just bumped a 7 year old thread :)
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