Storage Solutions How soon should a dead drive in warranty be replaced?

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I have a SMART failed 500GB WD hdd. It died a few months back. Warranty is till 2012. Should I replace it soon or can I replace it any time before expiry of the warranty date? Like can I send it for rma after few months? Asking this cause I don't have space to put any hdd in my machine right now, and any new hdd will have to be put in storage.
I think its better you RMA it now itself considering the time taken by WD to send you a replacement. It will take 2-3 weeks minimum for the whole process.
6pack said:
shucks. didn't think abt that!
LOL better get it replaced soon! :lol:

Besides, you may end up getting a 1TB drive as well. :P

WD's RMA process is turning to be a dud offlately with many members reporting delays in shipping the replacements. :\
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