how to backup-n-burn a copy protected movie dvd

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I have few copies of PAL & NTSC original DVDS which i want to backup and burn for repeated viewing.Last time i tried to DVD Decryptor and imgburn and it shows dvd is copyprotected.Any help ??
satyanjoy said:
I have few copies of PAL & NTSC original DVDS which i want to backup and burn for repeated viewing.Last time i tried to DVD Decryptor and imgburn and it shows dvd is copyprotected.Any help ??

I am sure that mods wouldn't be pleased with this. Indirectly you are asking for piracy method.

I don't think this is piracy...infact incase of Audio CDs it is legal to make mp3 files of them for ur ipod or such.
All he wants to do is to make sure that his investment lasts little longer.
We in India do not have the equivalent of DMCA, so it should be OK to do what he is planning to do. Some one please correct me if I am wrong.
chillll techies..its OK yaar. We all know what we are doing. What about the P2P section that we have here.Is not it in-directly promoting piracy-copyright infringement...etc. I don't want to debate on this.If anyone has answer to my query please post it here or send me a PM
@6pack: is great..i used dvd fab decryptor platinum(trail version) and imgburn to rip and burn original dvd-9 to dvd-5 of the movie gladiator..thanks

@Quad Master: Thanks for the guide. I will try n let u know

@dharmilstar: Ripit4Me looks good. will install it and try
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