How to best convert PDFs, MOBIs etc. to ePubs?

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I'm receiving my Nook Simple Touch in a couple of days and in preparation for its arrival, I'd like some help.

I have quite a few PDFs on my hard disk. Notes our lecturers have given us, short stories etc. I have quite a few MOBIs too. I'd like to open these files on my Nook. The MOBIs are not supported, period, and the PDFs are but I'd still like to use them as ePubs.

I know there are various converters out there (as apps and softwares) but I just don't know which one to trust. Which is why I am looking to you people for help. Could you please tell me which website or software I should use for my converting needs? I really don't want the converted ePub to be ugly in its formatting. That's my main concern.

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