Re: how to choose a websiting hosting vendor
The first thing you should consider is what kind of website you're hosting. How much traffic you expect. What software, customisations you need.
If you're going to run a website which gets a few hits a day then any host should do. If you're running a high traffic website, then you may need to consider a vps.
Lots of web hosts have strict rules regarding shared hosting, make sure you don't violate your t&c's by hosting too many images/videos.
If you're going to be running a cms or something else which requires php to have a lot of memory allocated to it, then ask customer service exactly how much RAM you can use for your scripts.
Some web sites also require that you don't use too much cpu time, and if your scripts do that too often, they may suspend your account.
Figure out your budget, expected traffic, and how resource intensive your site is, and then you'll be a in a better position to choose.