How to close all program and applicationsa at one click???

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Recently I installed windows 7 theme in my machine(I am running windows xp sp2)
Since then lot of things are running in system tray like

So it takes too much time to shutdown or restart.
Nearly it takes around 60 seconds to shutdown.

I google and tried to find some tool to kill all at one click. But nothing helps
Do anyone tried or know any tool to get this done???
For all the things u installed on ur system to make it look good, just install Windows 7 and u will never ever need to install any more desktop enhancements.
And ur shutdown time would be less than 20 seconds.

Problem solved, ain't it? :P
XP has a default time it waits to shut down those applications open. You can try lowering that shutdown time. There is a registry setting you can change.

Or try using this piece of software (I think it's just a GUI to access that particular registry setting)
To Kill processes do the following:
1. In run type 'services.msc'

2. Identify the services that you want to stop and make a list of their names

3. Open notepad and add

NET STOP "Service Name1"
NET STOP "Service Name2"

4. Save that file as batch file (.bat extension instead of .txt)

5. Run the batch file to stop the services

6. To Start the services again, make a separate batch file and add the following:

NET START "Service Name1"
NET START "Service Name2"

7. Run the batch file to start the services

Hope this helps.
thrs a way in win XP to shutdown da computer way too fast.

- Hold Ctrl key

- right click taskbar

- click task manager

- goto shutdown tab

- click turn off

but dont use this too often as ur PC wil shutdown at once.

if u wanna run XP smoothy, thn i suggest u not to install any desktop enhancements as it seems u dont hv large memory.(taking 60 secs is way too long)

Instead install Win 7 or vista instead of XP if u hv large memory

hope this helps
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