How to combine 2 ISP connections?

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Is there any way I can take a broadband connection from MTNL and TATA Indicom & combine them into my network?

I want to make one connection to be the primary one and the other one as the standby without having to change the settings on the clients..Also, can the bandwidth load be shared? Or can requests from specific programs be always routed through one broad band connection always?

Newbie here..hope u will help me out.. :)
If you want to make the second connection as a backup, then just configure the clients in a NAT (private ip addresses) and then have a gateway do the job of connection the NATed network to the outside world via either internet connection.

A lot of googling is required to succesfully pull it off tho.
at present, i have two seperate routers for MTNL and TATA on my network with the same up range of my LAN and i switch the gateways when i want to use the respective ISPs..

What i want is to use 1 single gateway without having to switch the ip settings everytime one ISP fails..

does this make sense or am i not explaining clearly? i hope i am .. :D
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