how to convert wave 6 to wave 3?

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how do u convert wave 6 games to wave 3 for xbox 360 ixtreme 1.51 to play bf2:bad company

ok got solution..

use abgx 1.02 versioin. and download ccsv files from abgx website and inject it with video.iso and pfi.bin files and you are done. rember to force patching even if verification fails in abgx.
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^^Can anyone please explain me how to play wave 6 files on iXtreme 1.51??? Bumping an old thread to avoid creating a new one...any guide or steps would b helpful...m bit of a noob when it comes to please help me....

@paddydevil...where to get video.iso n pfi.bin files...n how to verify whether it will work or not??

I have abgx 1.02....I have Nier as wave6 do i run it on my xbox360 with iX 1.51
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