Storage Solutions How to Copy Programmes or Appz frm Drive C: to Drive D?

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Whn i do tht ..and try to delete the programs from C...thn whn i open the prog it says error..y is tht so...How can i transfer it......i hav three partitions...
forbidden14eva said:
Whn i do tht ..and try to delete the programs from C...thn whn i open the prog it says error..y is tht so...How can i transfer it......i hav three partitions...
When a program is installed some DLL's are created and a few registry entries take place.
These may/maynot correspond with the new location (esp the registry keys will not) thus, if u copy paste the app in another drive/directory, its registry entries will not be altered.

The only option is to re install them in the other partition.
U mean to say u copy the programs from C: to suppose D: and then delete
them from C: and l8er u run that program.

It will definely not run as u change the directory.

When u install directly install it on other partition then.
If the programme has a file which will rewrite the registry entries you can move them, otherwise no.
For programmes w/o registry entries, just move them and reassign the shorcuts to the new location
^^Yeah that works for most small apps and OpenGL games. Heavy applications like MS Office or Photoshop, and DX9 games (not all, but a few such as Far Cry have acted up) will have to be reinstalled.
almost all the programs installed in program files have lots of registry entries pointing the location, so dont even try changing it. i am not a big fan of system mechanic :( always made me repent :)

best thing to do is uninstall & reinstall pointing to the new location. or if you want to relocate the program files folder to some other partition or drive permanently do this -

1. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion

2. Find ProgramFilesDir whose default should be C:\Program Files

3. Change this to whatever directory you wish. I changed it to D:\Program Files for example.

4. Reboot

remember this is valid for things you install from now on :(
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