Storage Solutions How to create exact partition sizes ?

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Is there any maths/ logic or a formula to calculate exact partition size?

I mean in disk management if you input 10000 MB while creating a partition you get 98.something GB usable as shown in explorer.

So you have to specify 102800 MB in order to get accurate 100gb usable disk space.

Hence need to know the exact calculation ratio to get a round-figure partition size.
1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes
1 gigabyte = 1024 megabytes
Ok so using this logic you try creating a partition and see whats the final disk size usable you get.
Post your screenshot for sure both during creating and after creation.
I bet this question must be haunting many out there....

It's easy to do, so it'll only haunt someone who can't do something as simple as covert GB to GiB.
I created the first 2 partitions doing the conversion, and the other two I didn't bother with.

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Can booting from a Live CD for Linux and using fdisk help in this situation ?

I think fdisk or parted gives far better control over partitioning.
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