deepak said:640+640 isnt a sure shot way cause iirc some windsors (higher end) came with 640+640 too
deepak said:3800 doesnt come in brisbane
3600+ is easy, the old one is 2.0Gz and 512KB L2 cache (mentioned on the top side of the box)
and brisbane is 1.9Ghz and 1MB L2 cache
and u still got any confusion, look this up...
AMD Processors for Desktops: AMD Athlonâ„¢ 64 Processor and AMD Sempronâ„¢ Processor
I'll let u do the work.
deepak said:if not 1 MB then 640+640 or 384+384?
deepak said:should be Odd speeds atleast upto X2 5000+
deepak said:Q : How does this help identify the core of a box packed proccy
A : It doesnt