How to Eat Corn Flakes


Hello frens,

I have you an very off topic Question in this IT Forum. I would like to know how eat " Kellogs Corn Flakes".

I usually eat mixed with milk and add sugar. Is that the right way or what other various methods it can be taken.

^^That's like saying eggs is better than jam, or coffee is better than tea. People have their own likes and dislikes man, chill.

My favourite is of course Kelloggs Chocos. I take about 300ml of icy cold milk (straight out of the tetrapack or milk packet - doesn't matter which) and mix it with a bowlful of chocos.
Thanks for your answers. Actually i didnt knew exactly so i had to start this funny thread. i will better mix Milk+Honey to it and eat.
Bluffmaster said:
Thread of the Month :D

Next thing we know , people are asking ... How to Drink water? :rofl:

Just if you are curious, i usually pour it in glass and drink it. In summer i prefer cold water but in winter, normal at room temperature will suffice :tongue: :rofl: .
Btw add some grapes and bananas to cornflakes + milk + sugar.. or skip sugar altogether.
My favourite is of course Kelloggs Chocos. I take about 300ml of icy cold milk (straight out of the tetrapack or milk packet - doesn't matter which) and mix it with a bowlful of chocos.

Must Try HBO

Chocos was my fave till I found HBO :D
tracerbullet said:
I take about 300ml of icy cold milk (straight out of the tetrapack or milk packet - doesn't matter which) and mix it with a bowlful of chocos.

The cold bit was something i did not know about until a trip abroad long ago, of course it would be cold as no one boils milk there.

I've never had warm milk since.
you can eat cornflakes in the following steps:

1. Take a bowl of approx 500 ml capacity (or more if u want to)
2. put in the required quantity of corn flakes
3. put some powdered sugar or honey
4. Put some nuts and fruits (cut offcourse) :p
5. take some cold milk right out of the fridge and pour it over corn flakes.
6. Take a spoon and dip it into the bowl taking a decent amount of milk + cornflakes+ nuts+ fruits.
7. Open your mouth
8. empty the spoon in ur mouth
9. chew it up and down slowly and smoothly.
10. swallow the same once it has been finely crushed.

all you people guessed it right. I am in office with no work.:bleh:

Only some one with all the time in the world can write such elaborate answers. Maybe we can publish a book on DIY for aliens who dont know how to eat stuff. :rofl: lolzzzzz
go ahead and also post a review on how it tastes.

personally i dont like the taste of beer. But well there must be 10 people who like it to

one who doesnt.

Please post a review for the benefit of humanity in general :p
Rave said:
Home Box Office, duh!Scz keeps eating the TV, thats why he buys laptops instead :bleh:

thread trolling by a mod?? :no:

The cold bit was something i did not know about until a trip abroad long ago, of course it would be cold as no one boils milk there.

I had to learn it the hard way! This must have been in my school days during my 7th or 8th standard when I awoke late one morning and realised I had missed the school bus. Naturally I was in a huge rush. To add to that, someone (possibly my mom) had boiled all the milk, forgetting to leave some for the newly bought cereal. Back then, I always ate oat porridge with hot milk anyway so I didn't give it much thought and poured all the steaming milk over the corn flakes. It was a terrible move. I can't tell you how digusting the whole concoction turned out. The damn thing was a rubbery and soggy mess! It was so bad, I got turned off corn flakes for several months before I gave it another shot, this time with cold milk ;)