How to Eat Corn Flakes

ganesh_2218 said:
Thanks for your answers. Actually i didnt knew exactly so i had to start this funny thread. i will better mix Milk+Honey to it and eat.

Lol... Even i didn't know , coz i have never had it :bleh:

There some strawberry flavor ka corn flakes rotting in my kitchen.. It doesn't taste that good :S

Think i need to try it out with milk and sugar.. Although i haven't had plain milk in like 4-5 years :p
Never tried it out with cold milk and honey yet. Shall do so. :)

There was a maggi thread sometime back IIRC.

It was a "post ur favourite midnight-meal" thread IIRC and as Keane's pointed it out, it was quite helpful. :p
i thought everybody ate with cold milk :ashamed:

havent tried the honey bit though, mostly because my folks dont like the bottled honey. its too artificial. we occasionally get some of the real deal from family friends who have bees :p
I sometimes have corn flakes with milk shakes and it tastes just awesome and far better than normal milk + sugar combo. :)

Try apple shake with apple flavoured corn flakes or just honey flavoured ones. :)
greenhorn said:
i thought everybody ate with cold milk :ashamed:
Everybody does, but I don't think its that obvious in India :ashamed:

greenhorn said:
havent tried the honey bit though, mostly because my folks dont like the bottled honey. its too artificial. we occasionally get some of the real deal from family friends who have bees :p

They are right, the honey you get commercially is so watered down that i dont think it qualifies to be called honey. Syrup is about all it amounts to.

The problem is if you do sell the real thing, what the avg buyer going to do ?

Choose your item with the addded premium or go for the 'more competitively priced' :no:
clown_abhi said:
I sometimes have corn flakes with milk shakes and it tastes just awesome and far better than normal milk + sugar combo. :)

Try apple shake with apple flavoured corn flakes or just honey flavoured ones. :)

wow thats something new....

Will surely try this milk shake combo. I guess a banana shake would taste awesome too
ajish65 said:
Seems like I'm thie only one who likes it with warm milk. And plenty of sugar.

i like it with warm milk as well. But is usually too lazy to boil, so goes for cold ones. If the milk is from milk packet then i do use warm milk only.
motorheadinc said:
I guess a banana shake would taste awesome too

Why use artificial flavouring when you can affordably have the real thing.

Living in the tropics does have its advantages you know :)
Has anyone here heard Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Its the best.

Do we get that in India???

My aunt brings it everytime she comes from the US.
greenhorn said:
i thought everybody ate with cold milk :ashamed:

havent tried the honey bit though, mostly because my folks dont like the bottled honey. its too artificial. we occasionally get some of the real deal from family friends who have bees :p

@greenie: 23 and still with "birds n bees" :rofl:

hehe j/k
blr_p said:
Why use artificial flavouring when you can affordably have the real thing.

Living in the tropics does have its advantages you know :)


I meant fresh bananas only :D

In any case I always like fresh fruit shakes. The flavored one's dont have the thickness. ;)
Has anyone here heard Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Its the best.

yup, you get that at most decent grocery stores incl. Food World (at least in Chennai)

I found it OK, though HBO still rmeains my fave (And Rave b$$tch, dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
tracerbullet said:
thread trolling by a mod?? :no:

I had to learn it the hard way! This must have been in my school days during my 7th or 8th standard when I awoke late one morning and realised I had missed the school bus. Naturally I was in a huge rush. To add to that, someone (possibly my mom) had boiled all the milk, forgetting to leave some for the newly bought cereal. Back then, I always ate oat porridge with hot milk anyway so I didn't give it much thought and poured all the steaming milk over the corn flakes. It was a terrible move. I can't tell you how digusting the whole concoction turned out. The damn thing was a rubbery and soggy mess! It was so bad, I got turned off corn flakes for several months before I gave it another shot, this time with cold milk ;)

Heh heh. I did that once as well. But the experience turned out to be useful because that texture turned out to be perfect later on for when I had my tooth extracted. :p
superczar said:
Cold Milk + Honey + Kelloggs Cornflakes

Or even better

Cold Milk + POST Honey Bunches of Oats (best cereal ever)

Brilliant cereal it is. In fact, most of the POST stuff is awesome. Esp. Blueberry, Banana Nut Crunch. The cranberry one is OK types.

I might also recommend Weetabix. Even oatibix is quite decent.

I prefer having my cereal with milk@16 degrees celsius. This goes well with my morning cup of coffee brewed from beans handpicked by indentured laborers from the leeward slopes of the mountains of Guatemala.