Laptops How to fix issue of some keys not working with a laptop


Had to share this one as the fix is stupidly easy, quick and costs nothing. If only all fixes could be like this, maybe a good number of them are, looked at from the right angle :)

Noticed that my 1,2,3,4 and left alt keys would randomly stop working. Those keys not working gave me issues with passwords and it really drove me up the wall. Looking up guides, and doing diagnostics, clearly, there was no software fix here so could it be a malware thing? the first number keys and the left alt key not working would drive anyone crazy. Decided to skip this as I don't generally do anything dangerous and have not experienced malware in a very long time. Probably not malware.

Hardware then?

Do I need to change my nearly 6yrs HP Spectre laptop keyboard now? Who knows where to get parts for it :banghead::bawling:


The fix was to hold and type those keys for a long time. Press, tap, tap, press, tap, tap, simple as that. Opened up a text editor and to my delight saw 1,2,3,4 appeared after some magic and the problem was solved :woot:

Keep this in mind should you have any random input problems with any keyboard on any laptop.

Please note I have a keyboard skin to prevent debris from entering the keyboard and would advise this as a best practice. I did not spill any drinks on the keyboard. So it was a question of some fine dust that got in there.

Hope this isn't temporary but I do believe its a bad contact thing and not anything more.
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My Logitech wireless keyboard has that problem. The 5 and 6 keys and the special characters on them don't work. Tried changing batteries, opening up the keyboard and using ipa to clean the membrane, keys etc. Cleaning the plastic membrane inside worked once. Next time nothing. Even holding the keys for 3-4 minutes didn't do anything. I think some boards aren't built to last very long.
Yeah, i think its a sign of a failing keyboard when it happens. But it's a contact problem.

Maybe the conductive tape used to repair cordless phones when the keypad gives trouble can help.
My Logitech wireless keyboard has that problem. The 5 and 6 keys and the special characters on them don't work. Tried changing batteries, opening up the keyboard and using ipa to clean the membrane, keys etc. Cleaning the plastic membrane inside worked once. Next time nothing. Even holding the keys for 3-4 minutes didn't do anything. I think some boards aren't built to last very long.
Membrane keyboards can be fixed depending upon the condition of membrane. Once the tiny traces inside the membrane worn out/ breaks, keyboard becomes pretty much unrepairable. Mechanical keyboards keys on the other hand are fully repairable/replaceable.