How to Get Cell Factor Working with No Physx Card


So check out this forum post from a [H]ardOCP reader (lowrider007) who owns a Ageia PhysX card. It seems that the "Cell Factor" game which is supposed to not run at all without a Ageia PhysX card can run just fine without it.

Install the demo, install the latest physx drivers from their site and add EnablePhysX=false to the CF shortcut and voila, no physx hardware but fully playable game and most importantly full physics
[H]ardOCP Forums
yea i read the same thing funky. He was getting similar fps at ALL resolutions from 640X480 to 1600X1200 both with and without the Physx Card. So it looks like all the physics calculations are being done by the CPU meaning the Physx card is useless.
Chaos said:
Fluids and cloth sims don't work without the physx card.

That, and also the whole point of the physx card is not only to improve graphics, but to take the load off of your cpu. That way you can do other stuff with your cpu (what they expect you to do thou is beyond my imagination.).

Thou i do agree that:

Min. Requirements:

AGEIA PhysX Accelerator (Yes, it is required!)

Windows XP

Intel or AMD CPU 2 GHz +


DirectX 9 compliant Graphics Card

If that isn't true then they are ripping off alot of people. I'll e-mail them about it.
Not a good demo .. uber low fps even on high end rigs .... even with teh PPU ... what the hell is the meaning of such a demo / game ...??
i have yet to get word back about the issue.

from what i've heard the game sux just becouse of the game. forget the graphics. its just a bad game.
All I would say here is: We can't judge a card just by the FPS count that it renders with a DEMO version, what too when the technology is relatively new and the drivers are in an early stage of development. What it does show however is that the physx card is not a good way to spend your precious bucks, Not now at least. You can go for SLI or CROSSFIRE instead, (if you don't have it,that is).
lol, i was acually speaking to a DELL tech guy who i know and he recommended to me not to get the physx card as that there where only 1 or 2 games that use it, it doesn't do that much yet, and its way to expensive and he thinks the price will drop to under $200 sometime around late august hopefully.

i do agree though that we need to see some better drivers and test it on some other games first before we can make any final decisions.