How to get micro sim in india?

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Planning to get an iphone 4.

Want to know how to get micro sim here.
Sorry not ready for self manipulation of sim.

Heard airtel have started but cant confirm and there relationship centre is fish market.

Can go with any operator like airtel ,docomo,uninor..Only prepaid route for me.
The interwebz is filled with guides on how to make one. Make one yourself.

Better still, get an old SIM, practice it on that and use that as a template for the SIM you are intending to use.
Ya other operators are giving free sim cards. Atleast Airtel, reliance in my area are providing free sim cards.
So trial and error can be taken care of . :P
Can you people list some good guides on net.Till than i finalize the deal.

Will ask vodafone and tata as they fall in line of my bank trips.

Will get back to all in few hours.
Okk decided will self do it.

Went to airtel relationship centre after eternity.They have worsen than before.

Earlier there were 6-8 counters and all of them taking 20-25 minute per person .Place was like fish market etc.

Yesterday went to a new place which came across it.

Was shock to see only 2 counters at place of 8.#rd counter only for bill payment.67 number was going mine was 69.I spent 50 mins at the place.WHen i came in it was 67 number when i left it was still 67.They were busy taking new connection replies which was the work of 1 counter whereas the other who had to deal with me was doing same job.I barged in asked the question whether they know what is micro sim.SHe said no.I said forget it and left out.

Horrible to say.I find it funny people dont say a word at this discrimination but keep shouting in govt banks about such service provided.
People do not expect from them any more. That is why maximum of them have prepaid connections so they do not have to go and meet them. When in doubt some people prefer switching mobile operators.
Find shops which sell used Iphones o Grey market !!! Go to them they have cutters themself, they do charge about 50-80 Bucks!! One of my friend got it done here in pune for 50 bucks at MG road !!
I aint know the name!! Its a complex which is just before Marzorain where you find small boutiques inside and the shop is on the groundfloor!! He deals in BB's and Iphones!!!!! Or try AUDIO PALACE on the same lane!!
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