Linux How to install donwloaded files in Ubuntu 11.10

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Hello, I'm a beginner in Linux distros and still learning things. I need help regarding installing downloaded files. Here's my problem :-

I downloaded Adobe Reader (AdbeRdr9.4.7-1_i486linux_enu.bin) for Ubuntu 11.10 installed in my computer. Now, i need to install it, which I'm unable to do since I'm new in Ubuntu.

I googled for it, but I didn't get any solution about how to install the downloadable files.

Do we need to run the file in the terminal or kinda ?

I'll appreciate any help =)
heheh.. i just installed ubuntu (macbuntu 11.10 64bit ) today itself... i have been tinkering around with it all day.. application installation is quite easy.. once you've downloaded the deb file, just double click it. a new window opens up where there are 3 tabs in the left, one for installled programs, one for get programs. because you have double clicked the deb file, it starts installing.

a new option gets displayed on the left saying installing 1. where 1 shows the number of programs that are in queue for installation or uninstallation. you click on that, and theres the program name with the progress bar. you dont have to do anything like select an installation directory.. the progress bar just runs as if a file is being downloaded. ..once that completes, your program is downloaded. now just double click the corresponding file to that program, in this case .pdf, and it will open in that application.. its a bit confusing coming out of windows, but the installation process is rather brainless. all you do is double click the file, wait for it to finish and you are done.

i figured out quite a few things today fiddling around with the system settings and stuff. .. most of the hardware works on its own, codecs for files if unavailable, are detected automatically when you try to play a file and you can download it, synchronized the mail software with my gmail, installed and updated my ati radeon graphics driver.. etc. etc.. it will take a little getting used to the kind of functioning ubuntu has.. the startup and shutdown is quite fast on this..

currently dual booting with windows 7.installed windows 8 a few days earlier, fiddled around, then nothing new left to fiddle around with, then installed ubuntu formatting the same partition of windows 8.. the grubloader is quite fast compared to the windows 8 bootloader.. in windows 8, even the bootloader had to load with the loading icon going round and round.. .
Type this in terminal after placing the file in desktop

sudo chmod +x AdbeRdr9.4.7-1_i486linux_enu.bin


if the File is in some other location just use Cd command in terminal to navigate to that location.
Actually you dont need Adbe PDF reader to view the files. There is already a built "DOCUMENT VIEWER" software which take care of viewing PDF files..

any particular reason for using ADOBE PDF Reader?? Foxit was more prefered on the Open Source front.

A more easier or the easiest way to install software is by using the UBUNTU SOFTWARE CENTRE, searc fr th software you need and install.. simple!
Thanks for all of your replies

@punitritehere Hey bro, just double-clicking the file didn't help me. It said "The file is of unknown type". I tried finding an application online and it too didn't help. me. Here is the screenshot :

@kvignesh I googled for installing bin files in ubuntu and the commands which I got in return too were the same as you suggested here. I tried those commands already but it too was a vain attempt. Here is the screenshot :

@abracadabra Yeah, I'm aware of the already installed "Document Viewer" that comes with Ubuntu installation. I'm a Windows user and just want to take a taste of other open source OS available out there. I found out that Ubuntu is the most basic Linux distros which is lightweight and would be easier to learn. I just want to get used to working with Ubuntu, which is why I want to install a simple software in Ubuntu =)

I'm still not able to figure out how to install. Is there any technical problem behind this ? Need help. Thanks =)
oh.. i think that might be because the extension of your setup file is .bin.. the files i downloaded were in .deb extension which is like .exe of windows.. so the OS recognizes it as an installation package and does the needful on its own.. ..

guys.. now i have run into another problem.. i was trying to get the compiz 3D cube on my desktop, so i first disabled the compiz desktop wall.. now the problem is, all the top menu from where i could earlier access the system and change settings, open the ubuntu software center etc etc.. is gone.. i am just stuck at the plain desktop with docky running and no idea about commands of how to get it back..please help..
@arun the error becuase there is no such file in directory.Try to execute the command in correct folder.

The easiest way would be instaliing from software centre.
@kvignesh I knew some would ask me about executing the command in the correct folder. That's why i used the "ls" command first to let others see the directory in which I was at that moment. I copied the file into desktop and run those commands in the desktop. I tried that for Downloads folder as well. Still it didn't help

@abracadabra Ok, will try ASAP and report back
I was out for some days.. I guess, there was some minor problem with my OS installation.. I reinstalled the OS, tried to install the bin file the way you all suggested, and voila it did work !! Thanks
in ubuntu, if your installation file is not in the .deb extension, it will get a little difficult for beginners to install software.. the software centre indeed is the easiest way to get apps for your needs. you just search for them, and click on install. the rest happens in the background on its own..

for files that are in .bin or zipped folders, after they have been extracted, the installation is done through command line parameters from the ubuntu terminal. although you can get these commands from the internet and just copy them off, for beginners its difficult to understand the logic behind these commands as we are not aware of the programming languages and command line interface of ubuntu..

PS: ubuntu has a lot of advantages, but there still a few things which can be improved and are being improved day by day..

eg. my ipod touch, completely locked in windows, can only be accessed via the itunes interface, just simply showed up as a memory device in ubuntu and i was able to simply copy and paste files using it as a flash drive.. if i choose to, i can simply delete the whole iOS from the ipod from within ubuntu.. no files are hidden or locked in ubuntu.. haha..
LoL xD yes, and I fall in the category of beginners for now.. commands seem to be very helpful for working on Linux unlike Windows.. Although I could successfully install the Adobe Reader through the bin file, problem still persists. Now, I don't see any text on Menu bar, though I can view pdf files..bah, pffff... I could've posted a screenshot for this new problem, but there has been some internet problem in our area
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