How to Make a Quick and Easy Online Antivirus Check of a File or App Before Downloading it

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Here is how to get the VirusTotal add-on or extension for the three major Windows browsers.

Google Chrome browser extension - VTchromizer
VirusTotal documentation for the Chrome extension is found here. The extension can be installed from the Google Chrome store at this link. After installation, the browser right-click context menu for an URL will contain the entry “Check with VirusTotal”.

Firefox browser extension - VTzilla
VirusTotal documentation for the Firefox extension is found here. The extension can be installed at this Mozilla site. After installation, the browser right-click context menu for an URL will contain the entry “Scan with VirusTotal”. The Firefox extension also modifies the download dialog.

Internet Explorer add-on - VTexplorer
VirusTotal documentation and the installation link for the Internet Explorer add-on are here. After installation, the browser right-click context menu for an URL will contain the entry “Send URL to VirusTotal”.

Note that if you use script blockers like the Firefox extension NoScript, you will need to whitelist the VirusTotal website.

These are very useful browser add-ons but, of course, the scans before downloading are not a complete defense. Whatever resident security measures you normally use will still be called for.

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