How to make phone UNREACHABLE ?

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madnav said:
The feature comes free with iPhone4.. referred as antennage :bleh:
It is antennagate you dandroid fanboi. :bleh:

And yeah the media made it a mountain out of a molehill!
Another simple way ..
If you have an Airtel connection, come to my residence, your phone will always be not reachable .. :-)
And you want to get back to calling, step outside the house, and you would get full network..
As simple as it could get ..
rocker123 said:
Another simple way ..

If you have an Airtel connection, come to my residence, your phone will always be not reachable .. :-)

And you want to get back to calling, step outside the house, and you would get full network..

As simple as it could get ..
Address please. :P
Guys just an off topic query - Can I cause a call drop in between of a call

Is there any software on android or Symbian

I know this is silly but I am asking because my operator pays me is a call drops due to network problem
Gannu said:
It is antennagate you dandroid fanboi. :bleh:

And yeah the media made it a mountain out of a molehill!
you like it when media hype apple products and not when they exploit it? :P

people often refer to it as antennage, but who care? :bleh:

n what the hell is with fandroid thing ?? :|
Requests for making phone unreachable , making calls drop in between . WTH is everyone upto ?

To make your call drop all of a sudden , Just say " Hello ...Hello ! I can't hear you .There's some disturbance ..helllo :S. " and then hit that end call button :P .
madnav said:
n what the hell is with fandroid thing ?? :|

Ok lets call it as phaildroid what say

@Rakshith didn't u get married just a few months ago and now u wanna go UNREACHABLE ??

if you have high voltage line nearby(40k or higher) just stand exact under that line tower and you go invisible on network
techno_guy said:
Guys just an off topic query - Can I cause a call drop in between of a call
Is there any software on android or Symbian
I know this is silly but I am asking because my operator pays me is a call drops due to network problem
Operators have mechanisms in place to find out the exact cause for the call drop. If the call drop is in anyway due to your handset, you will not be refunded.

You are getting the best possible call rate in the entire world and you are asking for instructions to cheat :(. post reported.
^^ Its not cheating the operator I have does not have any proper mechanism

Sometimes I get my amount back even if there wasn't any call drop and sometimes even after a call drop I don't get
Primary reason for getting this UNREACHABLE thing is because when i am at home or say gone somewhere else (like i was out of town for last 3-4 days) and my onsite calls me for stupid queries. These are times when i need to make it unreachable so as to avoid those calls.
Locking up my phone in the drawer of my cupboard does the trick for me... :P

I never needed to do it and so, I didn't know about this until I tried all possible ways after reading this thread. :lol:
raksrules said:
Primary reason for getting this UNREACHABLE thing is because when i am at home or say gone somewhere else (like i was out of town for last 3-4 days) and my onsite calls me for stupid queries. These are times when i need to make it unreachable so as to avoid those calls.

I can understand your situation. Happens to me at times when I get calls from the production department on Sunday mornings. I prefer to attend them fearing my yearly appraisal. :ashamed:
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