CPU/Mobo How to make USB On after PC shuts down

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Hi, I want to get voltage from USB ports even when the PC is off (but SMPS is getting current) to charge my phone and power my router.
I'd Intel DH55TC mobo . Can you please help me?
you cant. if the mobo shuts off you wont get power from usb ports. why dont you get one of those usb chargers? that will be more efficient than keeping the pc on. or if you have a dth stb with usb port use that.
maybe his gigabyte mobo has a feature of not switching off the usb power. most mobo's including mine switch off power to all parts entirely (except the lan, i think for wake up on lan option) after shutting down.
Most Gigabyte boards have USB charging feature, older Asus boards had a jumper allowing you to set the +5V USB source from 5Vsb instead of the main +5V line, If your motherboard does not offer this feature, it is not really possible.

If you need to power devices that need data connection to the PC and standby power for charging/operation, you can consider a small powered USB hub. This will keep the devices charged and when the PC is awake, the data connection will be active as well.
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