How to make windows 7 crash frequently ???

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my friends want to know how to...... not myself !

Complicity is as wrong as doing the deed itself.

My advice is, if he wants a better PC - ask honestly and upfront. And work out how it will improve things for the rest of the household - if it is indeed a reasonable request. Also a repayment plan - maybe your friend can do an internship somewhere? Promise a good result at college/school?

There's always a better way to do things. You can choose to or not.
krates said:
reason being convincing my friend parents that his rig is faulty and request them to get a new one..
hey kushagra, ssup.... u naughty boy!!!!

Well, use some linux LiveBoot CD/DVD and do it. Puff...

Well, there's something more you can do.... if your friend's parents are not "that" into computers, maybe you can take out the HDD and say, LOOK, the COMPUTER WONT START....
Well i dint know the reason behind this. Which you revealed later.

I dont support your cause. Always be honest to your parents atleast, dont cheat them. Have some convincing power and you will get what you want.:cool2:

But for knowledge purpose:

No need to boot from a live os disc. Simply log into your a/c and in taskmanager kill explorer. exe. Then start cmd.exe

then delete those files. located in c:\windows\ & c:\windows\system32 or any files you wish to delete.

But after doing so what if your parents call some engineer then???

You will even screw your future upgrade then.:bleh:
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