CPU/Mobo How to overlock an AMD 3500+ venice ??

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Well, you need to enter BIOS(by hitting del key while POST is going on). Sometimes the key is different..... may not always be DEL.

Anyway once you enter BIOS, you just browse around the settings until you come across a setting called "increase FSB". This should be set to 200mhz as default value.

Increase it slightly say 210mhz.


Run CPUZ. Download it from here http://www.cpuid.com/download/cpu-z-132.zip

You will see that the speed shown will be 210 x 11 = 2310. this will be a 110mhz overclock over the stock speed of 2200mhz.

Run Prime 95 for abt 24 hrs to check for stability. If Prime 95 runs for this time without giving errors, then it means your CPU is stable at this higher speed.

Keep increaseing the FSB slowly until your computer become unstable.

Then increase the vcore slightly. In steps of the minimum increase allowed by your mobo. Then repeat the process...

Note that above 1.55V is not recommended for the proccies. And keep a watch on the temps of the CPU. If it gets more than 50 deg C on load, it is a bad sign


Read the above thread and visit the links for more info on overclocking
woozydevotee said:
i am having an AMD 3500+ on an MSI K8NMGM2 IL Mobo
can u guys please tell me how can i overclock my processor?

hey man.... welcome to TE :D (i hadnt welcomed u before :P)

i appreciate nikhil's effort in doing a DUmmy guide for you, But I must request you to do the homework. There is not alternative to it. This is because there are just too many variables involved (some of which are hardware dependent and some of which software induced, eg, windows 32 bit vs 64 bit) to be able to 10 step overclock procedure.

Hence I would suggest you to kindly refrain from following the above steps, but rather first read up, and then attempt any overclock. Otherwise you may unknowningly screw up your system and then will come blame Nikhil for it.....

@ Nikhil: 1.55 V is just a ball part figure. It is totally variable.... some dual cores conked out @ 1.54V even and some ppl are running their 90nm processors @ 1.65 on air.... so like i said to him, its better to read up and understand the risk and trash a system.
Hey Karan,

His is a 3500 Venice. 1.55V is definitely safe for that. It is not a DC. And I mentioned a safe number for volts. Didnt want him to get too excited :P
Can anyone plz tell me whether MSI K8NGM2-IL mobo is available at Lamington road mumbai ?

I originally wanted the MSI-K8NGM2-FID but it's not available. :(
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