How to setup Netgear wireless router to access WI-FI

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Today I bought a Net Gear Wireless router for my existing Beam Cable Connection. I'm having trouble setting up Wireless connection so that I can connect my mobile to the WI-FI.

Can someone help me on this.
There are generally easy to follow documentation onthe site with sceeenshots, refer those.

Next time do a small research before you buy tech stuff.
Guys sorry for the late reply. I was able to finally figure out how to setup the router. Now the only problem I face is that I have selected the wireless settings as Open instead of the other encrypted ones like WSK etc.
Connect the modes's ethernet cable to WAN port on the router. Connect your PC and other devices either via the LAN ports (4 ports) or via wifi after setting WPA2 and any encryption option with a WPA pre shared key/passwd. Leave WAN Ip setings to automatic to receive a dhcp IP from the cable modem, and it ll receive a public IP for the WAn port after a restart/Ip refresh and everything will be set. Save the setings and backup the setings to a file for future restores.
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