How to shape career in IT?

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I'm not from IT field. I'm interested to know how a boy should plan his studies after 10+2 if he wants to progress his career in IT?
Shall he take computer science straightaway or study computer after completing his degree in other engineering field like Electrical, electronics, mechanical etc. If yes which stream to go for (assuming he has choice of everything)?
What is the future of doing BCA/MCA etc?
My questions may sound like a dumb but I'm zero in this area :(
If you are obsessed with the idea of getting into IT, Comp Sci/Electronics will be better choices. Though many second rung companies do recruit graduates from other branches.

Though you should keep in mind that (if you are 17-18 year old now) IT may not be the biggest game in town in 15 years (when you will be in your 30s, the most productive years). So if you do have other interests, give them some thought.

No clue about BCA/MCA.
If you are obsessed with the idea of getting into IT, Comp Sci/Electronics will be better choices. Though many second rung companies do recruit graduates from other branches.

Though you should keep in mind that (if you are 17-18 year old now) IT may not be the biggest game in town in 15 years (when you will be in your 30s, the most productive years). So if you do have other interests, give them some thought.

No clue about BCA/MCA.

Why do you say that?

Genuinely curious.
"IT may not be the biggest game in town in 15 years (when you will be in your 30s, the most productive years)."
^ I second this thought.
IT will boom a lot and most of it will be automated as AI will develop.
So for all the basic things that humans are currently doing - anything around the 1-5$/hour mark will be done by computers.
Examples of IT causing shutdown of other industries -> Travel agencies,mom-pop stores,physical stores.
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Study electronics.India is slowly evolving into a manufacturing industry and many companies like Foxconn etc are opening their chip manufacturing units here.There will be a boom of electronics product maybe 7-10 years from now.

Computer Science is not a field where more means better.Only the best software engineers make it to big companies.
In the top industries they prefer quality over quantity.Only a few days ago Microsoft laid off a lot of people.
IT companies in India are not growing at a rate it was growing a few years ago.
Previously the growth rate was into double digit.Now it hovers around 1-6%.
China is slowly making is presence felt in the IT field which will further drive down the growth.

If you want my advice dont study engineering if you dont want to.There are too many engineers in this country and not enough jobs.Most engineers dont end up in engineering fields.

The safest and most evergreen field is medicine.Become a doctor.Doctors are always in demand.
Any recommendations for someone who has already done BE in CS? I was thinking of joining a class for MCSA and then MCSE but i cant find any decent class in my city.
@Faraz :
CSE guy here.
BE is just a "degree" unless you've worked hard during your course,done practical projects and show something that can be used in the real world even something small and useful.
Most graduates (especially CSE,IT) don't know the basics of their core branch even after their graduation.They're highly confused and misguided.
Some profiles & companies specifically avoid hiring such graduates eg : All BE graduates except CS,IT was mentioned for a profile.
Whatever you do,make sure it's practical,relevant and shows off your talent,skill-set.

"but i cant find any decent class in my city." -> Remember you have the ****ing internet dude!
Forget classes for a while.
If anybody wants to really learn CS,you don't need a degree.You need passion & interest mainly in algorithms,mathematics and programming.
Use the internet.Do the course.Experiment.Try!
It's not easy to focus but it can be done.
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You need passion & interest mainly in algorithms,mathematics and programming.
In my 2nd year I realised that I am not a fan of programming :(. I am highly confused at this point, trying to figure out what to do next, was wondering if I should pursue a career in networking/system admin field.
In my 2nd year I realised that I am not a fan of programming :(. I am highly confused at this point, trying to figure out what to do next, was wondering if I should pursue a career in networking/system admin field.
buddy in the network there is lot of saturation please proceed with caution if you need any detail feel free to send me PM. I was in the same position as yours now i feel like i chose the wrong path. I'm also not good with programming one day out of curiosity i started learning the android app programming now i have developed my hobby app.

I suggest if you still hesitant to learn programming.You can learn new technologies such as AWS many startups are using AWS for their setups and for that they will definitely need more people with skills on Cloud skills
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My 2 bits here. There is more to IT than simply coding. The problem is programming and networking to an extent are only the extraneous things which you can show your calibre/experience without working in an IT company.
There is testing - automated (requires a bit of programming) and manual. Its repetitive work but depends on your aptitude for it.
There are tool based work like SAP ERP, BO, IBM Cognos etc. These are entreprise level tools so getting "experience" or preparing for them cannot happen.
and many more.

I have stated it earlier in a separate thread, repeating it here. People worried about "how to prepare", calm down. Unless you have love for coding/networking you are going nowhere. Just complete your degree with good marks and half-decent programming knowledge, you will get a job in IT (unless of course the campus recruitment is broken). From there on, your luck depends on the "projects" you end up working with.
I'm not from IT field. I'm interested to know how a boy should plan his studies after 10+2 if he wants to progress his career in IT?
Shall he take computer science straightaway or study computer after completing his degree in other engineering field like Electrical, electronics, mechanical etc. If yes which stream to go for (assuming he has choice of everything)?
What is the future of doing BCA/MCA etc?
My questions may sound like a dumb but I'm zero in this area :(
Unless you want to create a drone or want someone to break the IT slavery from the inside, don't consider getting into the field.
IT has never been the "biggest game in town". Just having 100000000000 people working in the industry doesn't mean a specific job is the "biggest game in town". Slaving away without purpose doesn't mean anything. Life is short. Best to let your kid figure out what he/she wants by exposing them to as much of the world as possible, as quickly as possible.
Source: BE CSE doing an IT job. Therefore I am currently a drone.
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