Hey, I need to split vocals from music tracks and retain the tracks on a regular basis...I have tried many softwares but they dont do the job properly...Is there anyway that its even possible? thx
Me too searched for lot of programs, but finally failed.
The best way is the following, if you have a 5.1 sound card.
Get the AC3 ripped video file, which has 6 channel audio. When you play it, it generally splits the tracks. Like beats/bass in to one, voice alone in to other.
Now find out that track, and record it with line in option.
This way, I generally rip the background scores from films.
Err you would need some serious EQ'ing skills to do that, holla me up with the track ill give it a go or u can try those quick fix softwares people mention but they will never get rid of em completely.
Anyway u should try Sound Forge or Sony Acid, me use that
There is no sure shot way of doing it. Various techniques and software are available, but it depends on the way the track is recorded. So even after trying if you can't get it accurately, there is nothing you can do about it.
just stick to one software and get used to it, try Sound Forge its Free!
Edit- Try this
Select Track> Select Either of the channels> Mono them from stereo> Switch channels (L-R OR R-L)> Switch back track to stereo
The result will help you detect where in the sound spectrum does the vocals lie, keep trying until u hit the sweet spot then EQualize the track to remove more sounds ( use a wide band ) and keep trying/filtering ( which calls for another topic) until u achieve something u can do a mixdown on your own stuff.
Edit 2- the method is actually used to separate music from the track but what you do is use the main track which would be left nothing but vocals and some hard to filter sounds
Edit 3- and oh u gotta use some HP/BP Filters too
Edit 4- Darn just get any software and let me know !