How to stop photo gallery from opening movies?

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I want to disable photo gallery's ability to open movies as part of the 'show next' button. Basically just open pics and skip movies like it skips rars/any other files.

Like in 1 folder i have: 1.jpg, 1.wmv, 2.jpg, 2.wmv, 2.mp4 etc...

I open 1.jpg with photo gallery (the default app) and go to 'next' with the right arrow it opens 1.wmv. I want picture viewer to just go over pictures and not open the video files.

very simple mate. No need of going to registry or any bla bla setting...

enter the folder where you have the files ( photo & movies)

just right click > select group by > type

now the folder gets catagorized in groups. If you want to change the group order then again do the same thing as above..

Now double click a photo and press the right cursor and go on. The movies wont open...

thats it...

reply me if u r satisfied with this tip...
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