How to Track a computer through its ip address and users information legally???

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I wanted to ask how to find the information about a computer through its ip address
ie. Getting the name and address , etc. filled by the buyer on the forms.
Area, Last activity, History, etc. etc.
I know its easy.
And most of this can be found out through Legal means, right???
I am not talking about controlling a computer [or Hacking]
Please reply, with step by step help,
Thank you.
PS: Have started a Thread regarding Tracking Sim cards here:
U need to file a FIR mate with the cyber crime division in ur place, even then u wont get the details but the police will.
You can know someones ip and then locate where is he from ... i mean like which city and stuff ... but i don think its possible to trace the exact location ... and if he has a random ip ... may be till you file the FIR the ip is being used by some1 else :bleh:
The hardest part here is to get the IP... depends on what the remote person has did..

I guess you should first find methods to get ip adressess..

BTW Can you tell me why you need this information for ???

If I find it fitting ill tell you the procedure..
Just as I am thinking of which stream to take after my 12th... [I am in 12th now]

Ethical Hacking looks interesting, But if it is too much to understand, than may make it a second opinion... [Of course I'll study hard if I take it...]

And as I am sure I'll be going towards Computer related engineering for sure, some knowledge in this field wont go waste!!!
I dont think you can study any kind of 'hacking' and just learn, you need to have passion for the same.

and then use it for network security etc.
coolraghav said:
I dont think you can study any kind of 'hacking' and just learn, you need to have passion for the same.

and then use it for network security etc.
Actually you can study hacking and you do learn things. But studying it will be damn boring for the first 6 months coz you will be learning networking from basics, then unix, then socket programming and then finally some useful techniques. But with 0 experience in the industry without certification its almost impossible to get hired. You should look at the courses offered by Canadian institutes.
ultra vires said:
Actually you can study hacking and you do learn things. But studying it will be damn boring for the first 6 months coz you will be learning networking from basics, then unix, then socket programming and then finally some useful techniques. But with 0 experience in the industry without certification its almost impossible to get hired. You should look at the courses offered by Canadian institutes.

please elaborate.....
Well, Can be done.

If you have access to ISP DHCP database. ISP will not allow any kid to see the DB, its available to cyber crime & police only.

Anything else sir ?
You want a step by step guide like :P
1) do this
2) do this... :rofl:

Whats the point of knowing this without basic knowledge unless u wanna become a script kiddie...
What does this look like ?


  • 1.jpg
    73.4 KB · Views: 137
hash said:
What does this look like ?
Using NSS guard etc to gather information like this is of no use to track people. You actually don't get the mapping of Actual users. Reason that you see all those computers is because of stupid Airtel people who give their customers router which are ready to reply to ICMP requests, open telnet ports,etc .

As a matter of fact, if you want to see real mapping of users for MTNL.. Send me over BB username/phone number i will give you the list of IP address used, logs, pwds :)

( I have notified MTNL about this flaw 2 years back and it still exists ).

@ OP : You should have got the answer by now, if you haven't then i recommend reading up books.

Dont scan Airtel IP range with Subnet. Once they find you are running IP/Port scanner, You will be blocked nicely..

Airtel backbone is taken care by IBM :p
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