PC Peripherals how USA hardwares work ??

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how guarantee works ??

exmaple if a relative of mine is comming from us, and i ask to bring a GFX card, so how does the guarantee work ? does it come with a international gauarntee or does one has to specifically ask for it :(
some companies have international warranty but for most you ll have to send it back to the US to get it replaced
If it has intl. warranty it should be valid in India.But most of the times,its not.Why?Coz in India all warranty is handled by the local disty who won't honour it unless the said product came form the disty with its sticker on the card or mobo.So ,in effect ur Asus 6800 from U.S.A has no warranty in India.(as an example,i.e.)
But for big companies like Seagate which have a massive network in India, International warranty is valid. On a sidenote I had written a letter to MSI and they replied that Intl warranty for MSI mobos are valid in India too.
If the company has a direct presence like Samsung/Seagate then u will "get" warranty.
Of course intl. warranty is "valid" in India,but getting people to "honour" it is a challenge.
Rashi people will never give warranty on any product that doesn't have their sticker on it,despite being asus's disty for so many years now.
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