Hows Nokia C6?

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Confused between Nokia C6 or E72.... never seen or touched C6.. anyone here used it? hows it performance?
Going by the reviews and the hear-say, I think it's a pretty bad phone. Maybe Dhruv can comment further since he has a unit with him right now.
im guessing the touch response is better than the 5800 and might be upto the 5530/5230 standards.

interested in knowing hows the slider and about the tactile feel.

comment on the over all quality compared to 5800!!
Nowadays, any Nokia that costs above Rs 10,000 is a sh*t compared to the competition. This company has simply lost in the high-end and until MeeGo doesn't come it is going to be the same situation. For around 17K, you can get Wave. Xperia mini is good at its price. even Wildfire is pretty ok around 15K. And then there is the range of smaller Galaxies from Samsung :)
Its a solid little phone. Good touch response among the best among symbian devices infact. Camera is okay average i guess though good in sunlight.

GPS locking and performance is VERY good. What else you wanna know ? I'll be doing a full review on my site tonight or tomorrow and will post links here then...
i want a physical qwerty keypad... ost of the android ones doesnt have this... only the high end above 20k like the moto milestone have... also used to symbian... just wanna know how good is its processor and also the touch response... the only fone which i can give 10/10 for touch response the iPhone.
Good touch response. Atleast as good as N97mini maybe even better. Swype works great on it.

Processor is good enough for what it needs to do. Widgets n all just work fine.
hatter said:
Nowadays, any Nokia that costs above Rs 10,000 is a sh*t compared to the competition. This company has simply lost in the high-end and until MeeGo doesn't come it is going to be the same situation. For around 17K, you can get Wave. Xperia mini is good at its price. even Wildfire is pretty ok around 15K. And then there is the range of smaller Galaxies from Samsung :)
Cant agree with you on that. I so much missed the N900, that it made me get another one for myself. Its the best fone that i've used till date and i've used quite a few.
I've used:
Hero & Desire
N97 mini,5800, N95 8GB,N82 N91 8GB (best music fone till date) etc
HTC HD, Diamond,Touch Pro2 etc
N900 and its this that i've liked the best. awesome fone, lets u do whatever u want to do with it.
^^ I fail to understand how a touchscreen phone with a resistive screen, 600Mhz processor and 256 RAM can be so "magical"
Use it and u will know. Not every device needs a 1GHz proc to make it work smoothly. Also... if u really want to go to the HW part, mine is currently running at 1.1 Ghz stable coz i use a lot emulators. Along with the 256MB of RAM there is also about 750 MB of swap memory. This device does NOT run out of memory. Trust me on that...

Regarding the screen , use it and then judge it , its the best resistive touchscreen ever and ranks as a very good ts overall as well...

If a touchscreen responds well , why does it matter that it is resistive or capacitive ? o.O
^ the thing is capacitive touch screen is a lot more easier to use
I've tried a few Nokia N900 and I haven't bought one just because of the touch response. Other than that one little flaw it is definitely one of the best hardware a phone can have.
hatter said:
^^ I fail to understand how a touchscreen phone with a resistive screen, 600Mhz processor and 256 RAM can be so "magical"
ont decide how good or bad a phone is only by its hw specs.
as a.ready mentioned, the arm cortex-a8 ocs very well. mine is running @ 950MHz without any issues.
N900 is a phone which is not meant for everyone. if u want to fiddle around with it and try out new things then get it and u wont regret it.
Compared to iPhone???

I say shit.....

My friend has brought it and i played around with it for a while..

I say that the touch is not at all good(as i am used to capacitive touch screen)

Its speed is ok

Not many features. Just a 5800 revamped...

I would say you to gofor a capacitive touch phone
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