How'to install Mac OSX 10.4.6 on a PC [Dual Boot]

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Its been a while since i have contributed to TE and i guess its time that i do something about it So here is a guide to dual booting Mac OSX

1. Get a prepatched OSX 10.4.6 install image.

2. Burn the image to an empty dvd recordable (+R or –R)

3. Create at least 6GB unallocated space on your harddisk using Partition Magic

to create partition follow the steps here:

>> Start partition Magic

>> Click on ‘Resize/Move Partition

>> Move the slider to make the partition smaller and hit OK

>> Click on ‘Apply’

>> Close Partition Magic

4. Click ‘START > Run…’ and type diskpart

Type in

list disk

select disk [the number of your disk

create partition primary id=af

close the command window

5. Make sure you have a bootable disk with fdisk However, the best recommended is spfdisk.

install spfdisk, download from here:

6. Click ‘START > Run…’ and type ‘diskpart’ (without quotes}

Type in

list disk

select disk [the number of your disk]

list partition

select partition [the number of your osx partition]

set active

7. Insert the OSX install disk and reboot your computer, follow the installation steps on your screen.

8.Boot into Windows

9. Install Acronis Disk Director Suite, install the OS selector.

Start OS selector, configure (follow on screen steps) it and restart your computer.

After the last reboot you should see a nice dual boot menu and should be able to boot OSX.

Hope u guys for sure enjoyed it coz i have dual booted my system with vista and mac osx 10.

Source: How to install Mac OSX 10.4.6 on a PC [Dual Boot] | ixibo

[mod]Please quote your sources when posting a guide. Moreover the Guides section on TE is for member developed content. Seems like a helpful guide though. I have moved and edited 'your guide' to make sure it doesnt look like you are plagiarizing. Also leaving you some red dots as a deterrent. I hope you wont mind.[/mod]

WTF......anyways never knew there existed an article about this...thanks for pointing it out but chill i have not put this up from any site..
vishalk said:

WTF......anyways never knew there existed an article about this...thanks for pointing it out but chill i have not put this up from any site..

Yeah.. :rofl: :rofl:

And how ironical is it that your guide has EXACTLY same lines as the one posted on :
The guide was posted on ixibo on 28 July 2008 and this tutorial was posted today(7 November 2008) with the same wording.

So who do you think is the culprit???
hi guys,

let me please clear the air round here.....folks, firstly i got the tutorial in a torrent i downloaded a few weeks back which was a torrent with 10000 tutorials for pc. i have also as indicated by u guys checked the content on the link mentioned which was and yes i agree it is the same as the stuff i put from the tutorial PDF which i be honest it is the same stuff line by line and if i did know abt any such article on any site i wouldnt have posted this stuff without links, however, i guess it is not right to post links to torrents as the source so, as far as the source goes, jus gotta leave it there.
I think you are all missing a valuable point here.... Any Mac OS version that you would be doing this with is an illegal version, and therefore you should not be posting tutorials on how to do illegal activities on TE anyway. :bleh:
@pixel- Its not illegal, It just breaks the apple's terms of use adn even that matter is subjudice..So they can post this as much as they want..
@pixel- Its not illegal, It just breaks the apple's terms of use

I'm sorry but I disagree, if people are using this version of the Mac OS (pre-patched) then they most likely downloaded through file sharing... which means they did not pay for it and this means it is illegally obtained.

Not that I am condoning or speaking out against illegal file sharing... but more that the policy at TE seems to be one of not discussing things that involve illegal activities.

Since Apple does not make a pre-patched version of their OS I would have to assume that it was obtained via illegal means and without being paid for.
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
I'm sorry but I disagree, if people are using this version of the Mac OS (pre-patched) then they most likely downloaded through file sharing... which means they did not pay for it and this means it is illegally obtained.

Not that I am condoning or speaking out against illegal file sharing... but more that the policy at TE seems to be one of not discussing things that involve illegal activities.

Since Apple does not make a pre-patched version of their OS I would have to assume that it was obtained via illegal means and without being paid for.

Its not abt opinion, or guess'es, its abt facts, :hap2:

Here unless proved guilty, you assume the guys have original license,else we'l have to ask for proof for windows licence everytime someone posts a query:hap5: and while you call it prepatched, I call it enhanced, the only thing stopping the use of it in PC's is apples TOS, And thats being debated in courts, so till then these people can enjoy;)

Besides there are patchers which can take your regular MAC .dmg image and ENHANCE it for use on PC, much like what nLite does for windows:ohyeah:
^^ sorry I must have been mistaken, I didn't realize you guys had all this money to burn to buy the Mac OS just for the sake of patching it for hardware you may or may not have the right drivers for. Sounds like a really good idea ... hehe :bleh: I think that TOS excuse could be a little weak ;)
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