HTC Desire vs Samsung Galaxy S

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vebk said:
^ Agreed. Also as and when the Desire HD becomes available I hope you will advise people then to not buy the Desire HD and wait for Desire HD2. :P
way big difference between desire and desire hd that wont be between desire hd2 and its not even in picture lol end of the day its personal choice if u have enough to waste go ahead
vebk said:
A) The world we live in, before a product even hits the retail stores, the technology is outdated. So please, let's not get into that. Gingerbread is not coming out soon. And if we keep thinking about the latest technology, well the Desire HD, Galaxy S etc. will soon all be outdated by dual core processor based phones. There is no end to this.

B) Like I said, any game I have thrown at the Desire, it has performed beautifully. And I don't need to run Crysis on my phone. Mobile games are for time pass, and a little mental stimulation. For serious gaming, I have a sweet desktop and a ps3 with an awesome LCD. I would reserve my serious gaming for that. I don't need games running at 5 trillion fps on my phone.

By the time the Desire HD launches, I will bet all my money there will another brand new spanking phone on the horizon. If you keep waiting to buy the phone with the best technology.... well... you will keep waiting and never get a phone. As for resale value, maybe some people buy it with that in mind, but I do my research thoroughly and only buy phones I know that I am going to use for a looong time. I for one don't care about resale value. Though I can imagine people who want the latest phone every 2 months would.
+1. Well put.
A) Technology gets outdated fast. Agreed. But, why buy a phone that was released in March 2010, when you can wait for a month to get the latest version? If you're actually going to wait for HTC to release it officially in India, then you're going to stay behind. Dual core phones will come soon. But not for another 6-7 months. I'm not saying that current Desire owners should upgrade to the Desire HD, I'm talking about prospective buyers. In the end, its their choice if they want to spend 26-28k on a phone that released 7 months ago, or wait a month for the latest version. The Desire HD is not a small improvement, its a HUGE improvement. Just take a look at this video and see how they have improved Sense in the Desire HD.

B) Agreed. Right now, both phones will play games and videos perfectly. But my point is ; why go for old hardware, when new hardware is just around the corner? Main point is; I'm not asking to wait for 4-5 months, its going to come out very soon, and people who want the latest hardware know how to get their hands on it.

When the Desire HD launches, it will be the flagship Android as well as HTC's flagship for the next 6-7 months, just like the Desire was. Even I keep my phones for a LONG time, I had the Bold 9700 before getting my Vibrant, which was a HUGE upgrade. Luckily, if I get the G2 and I decide to keep it over my Vibrant, I have a buyer(close friend) for both without any loss. My reasons for upgrading to the G2 are entirely different, its as follows :

1) Stock Android, so faster updates. No Sense and stuff.

2) Excellent Community support, the G1 is evidence of that. (and stock Android)

3) Perfectly working GPS and Compass - must for Google Nav, I've been using the iPad past couple of weeks, and its a PITA.

4) HSPA+ speeds.

5) Trackpad.

6) Hardware QWERTY.

Also, see the new Sense they are implementing with the Desire HD. Its not a small improvement.

Oh and I forgot, 4.3" vs 3.7". .6" more screen estate, which is actually HUGE.

YouTube - HTC Desire HD - A Closer Look
^ You are right on what your have told. But the problem is, Desire HD "may" be launched in the international market in a couple of months but not in India. Taking into account the way HTC launched their Desire in India, we will have to wait for another 6 to 7 months for it to be officially available in India after its international launch. In that case it would be in the same "old hardware" scenario for the HD, which is what the Desire is going through now.
^ And that is the root of our differences. Spending so much on a phone is a big decision for me. And I don't trust the grey market. If for some reason the phone konks off, I am screwed. That's why I would want to have some reassurance by way of warranty. (And I know that HTC India's after sales support is supposed to be rubbish, but still I value the sense of security). I have friends who have bought grey market phones only to regret it.

So yes, you are right from your perspective. If one is comfortable going for grey market phones, then it's a better option to wait for the Desire HD for another month. But don't forget the price difference between the Desire and Desire HD is also going to be there (I would suspect in the range of Rs. 6,000 - 10,000).
Superfrag said:
Hmm. From that perspective, the Galaxy S is the clear winner and the only choice..

I'm mostly getting the G2 for 22k..

Me tooooooooooooo
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