HTTP 303 error in pvt. torrents

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4 seconds, inhale; 4 seconds, exhale.

a friend of mine recently got a 4 mbps unltd plan from smartlink mumbai. he downloaded some patch file from a pvt. tracker, which downloaded successfully, but since then, he's unable to download anything from any pvt. tracker. utorrent shows a status-message - 'HTTP 303 error; retrying in 21 seconds', something like that. could someone pls tell what could be the issue and how to resolve it?

i didn't ask him about it. he mostly downloads games so i presume it was something for a game (X360).
Ohk. I though the patch was related to patching something in torrent software or something.
Public trackers work fine ? Tried TPB?
yes. public ones are working fine. i think it may be something to do from ISP-side, as i have read earlier that certains ISP's actively throttle/block torrent-downloads. though the case is different here, but may be the ISP has its hand in it?
alright. thanks! i will tell him to do this tonight and will write back here to tell if it worked or not.
Also do a bit torrent throttle test to verify whether any throttling is happening from ISP or not
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