PC Peripherals Huge Confusion Over Ram

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ok guys.. got my asus a8n sli premium today [will review it shortly again:P] .. i told the dealer to get me pc3200 hyperx ram from kingston instead he got me Kingston Value ram for 2800 each 512 *2 but i dont like it so i returned it. Now i want to buy a ram [budget rs 7000 max for 2 pairs of 512].. cant decide what to buy kingston value ram is there in the asus a8n sli premium supported memory list .. also there is twinx but twinx is too costly right? what is the cost .. i got info tht corsairr sms pro costs 3500 each 512 mb but neither corsair xmx pro nor hyperx from kingston is there in the supported memory list from asus .. help me out!! which ram to buy best performance + stability..best regards joe
Just get twinmos 512*2. Right now those are the best deal. Corsair 3200XL is good, rest are all crappy. The thing that sells for 3500 per stick uses the same mosel chips that transcend uses.
3200XL is TwinX XMS series TCCD. They'll cost around 10K+ for a gig. Valueselect is crap. Thats the twinmos i'm talking about.
can u tell me the performance difference between twinms , corsair 3200xl i am omg soo paranoid :( cant decide
wht bout this Corsair TwinX 3200C2PT 1GB 400 MHz DDR RAM = Rs. 8850
x86 said:
twinmos 512*2 price? is it this one Twinmos M2G9J16A8ATT9F081AADT??
Those modules are the elpida chip ones. Look for the ones that have CADT in the end they have mtec chips on them which oc much better.
what about kingston Hyper X ?? they are not listed in asus supported site but they r good and costs ?? are they good? :|
umm what about the twinmos twister ones? and does the money worth buyin corsair c2? cuz someone told me twinmos costs around 5k for 1 gb while corsair 8.5k?
i don't think u can get a HyperX or twister here in india if u are importing then its ok ..... anyways the last time i asked about the price for corsair 3200XL (TCCD) .... in delhi i got 13.5k for 1GB(512x2) and 15.5 in chennai .....
rahul said:
i don't think u can get a HyperX or twister here in india if u are importing then its ok ..... anyways the last time i asked about the price for corsair 3200XL (TCCD) .... in delhi i got 13.5k for 1GB(512x2) and 15.5 in chennai .....

How's the 3200C2PT 1GB {512x2)?
x86 said:
wht bout this Corsair TwinX 3200C2PT 1GB 400 MHz DDR RAM

It depends on what Revision they are. They can vary from awesome Winbond BH/CH chips to TCCD to the sub-par Mosel vitelic chips.
hmm any idea bout twinmos chips and their revisions .. i would like to know it :) and corsair c2 has winbond chips which revisions? any links..
Crazy_Eddy said:
It depends on what Revision they are. They can vary from awesome Winbond BH/CH chips to TCCD to the sub-par Mosel vitelic chips.
The new ones are all mosel chips. AFAIK BH/CH UTT ain't produced anymore!
^ Yep, all the new Revisions are Mosel Vitelic !

I was thinking Corsair India might have stocks of older revisions hehe :P
Crazy_Eddy said:
It depends on what Revision they are. They can vary from awesome Winbond BH/CH chips to TCCD to the sub-par Mosel vitelic chips.

AFAIK all TCCD chips from corsair are named as XL .....
@x86: Which is why I said it depends on the revision !

If you get Rev 4.1's (very unlikely) then good for you - you'll get Samsung TCCD's in them. Else all the newer revisions as you can see on the same link have Mosel chips listed.

rahul said:
AFAIK all TCCD chips from corsair are named as XL .....

Not exactly, just that all revisions of XL are confirmed TCCD chips.
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