Hw To Detect IP Address Of People using Messenger ..

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Okay So u wanted to know about the IP Address of someone u been chatting to but cud not got cuz either u didn had enuf resources or u are simply a noobie .. :) ..

Here is a neat little trick which u can use...

1) While chatting wid the person Go To :


And Type "cmd" sans the inverted commas

2) In the dos window type "netstat" [again w/o the commas]

The Command Netstat is used to list all the ips u r connected to.

3) The list prolly is gonna be a long one .. wait patiently

Once the list is done wid .. dont shut the window or exit from it.

4) Start a file transfer wid the "Buddy" by sending him a file

Once the transfer begins.. repeat steps 1-3 again.

5) Compare the 2 lists u got wid u now on the screen..

The extra IP should be the one u require.

Disclaimer : The above trick executer shd not be using it wid any malicious intent.
^^ no need... gud that u posted... now wat happens is that not a "true" p2p connection is made... and the files we get frm the other person reaches us thru proxies... ;)
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