For Sale ! Hynix 1 gb ddr2 ram - 2 piece
- Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL:google hp a6450in
- Expected Price: 330 each plus shipping extra
- Time of Purchase: 2009
- Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: No | 0 Months , will give 1 week testing warranty
- Reason for Sale: upgraded to ddr3
- Purchase Invoice Available: no (if yes then posting a clear image of the invoice as attachment is mandatory. )
- Product Condition: 7.5/10 for old and 9.5/10 for new( it is replaced by hp engineer 1 month back hence it is like new)
- Accessories Included: nothing
- Product Location: new delhi
- Preferred Courier:dtdc
- Shipping Charges: extra
- Payment Options:bank transfer