I found FEAR....well boring

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:) Well a small discussion....After my PC upgrade from a P3 to a core2duo the first game(original copy :( ) I bought was FEAR.
Must say I have been dissapointed after all the reviews I had read...
The game seems to me (I have reached chap12 or 11 ) to be a copy paste job. See all the locations are almost same and every fight sequence is also looking identical. I get inside a room...someone shouts "contact" :rofl: :rofl: 5 soldiers come in I kill them and then I go to another room and story repeated.

Also the girl in red I have only met her two or three times I guess. Even ghostly gals don't like me :rofl: :rofl:Sometimes I meet a few strange creatures...I press slo-mo and kill them :P Maybe my personal preference...but I absolutely do not know what is in this game..

I mean I liked gams like far cry to be far better then this one....
What say gamers?
FEAR does get repetitive with the office corridors level after level. The relentless atmosphere doesnt help either.

But its not a bad game.
personal preference. I didnt like FEAR as well. But thats mostly due to the fact that i prefer open games. ( Exception was The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay )
ummm i found it good enuff....always waiting for the anomalies...the physics was good enuff...try the sequels if u may...
Repetitive use by Vij :no: I guess that just sums it up....Again it is a matter of personal preference but in my book no higher then 4.5/10...
Well try playing on a higher difficulty level like devil suggested. That way you won't get enough time to brood over things like these :P. But FEAR has good immersive gameplay recommended especially to be played at nights with lights out and pair of good speakers. ;)

For a fresh take on FPS i suggest you give STALKER: SOC a try. With the 1.0005 patch a lot of bugs have been ironed out.
its totally up to the player for me perseus mandate was quite good...

same goes for stalker..if u go with teh core gameplay u`ll finish it very fast...sidejobs again may appeal to some and for many is just a tedious way to increase gameplay...

wrt to patches remeber to get the float32 mod....and i still cant forgive them for taking away the stalker suit in cordon!!!
i also played F.E.A.R and Perseus Mandate in higher difficulty and it was fun :D. Didn't play Extraction Point though...
i love FEAR its scary if u play at nights one of the best i ve played........nikhil extraction point is very good try it to understand the story better......its a well layed out one
as people hav said ..its all with the diffculty level u play with ... and the AI is gud at extreme....i love FEAR soo much that i play its multiplayer regularly :D ... its really nice close combat shooter .... and also keeping in mind the fact that this is the game of the year 2005.... and the same engine is doing wonders till today :P ... iam waiting for project origin ...the true sequel to F.E.A.R...
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